Monday, March 7, 2016

Getting Your Life Back on Track - 5 Part Series

                                                "Strength does not come from winning.
                                                Your struggles develop your strengths.
                               When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender"
                                                        - Arnold Schwarzenegger     

We all go through difficulties, setbacks and loss. Life happens to all of us.
Pain is part of life. Pain happens to all of us, but sometimes we get derailed and stuck, and no matter what, we don´t seem to be able to move forward and move on with our lives.

Many people will allow their pain to cripple them and keep them stuck in the past, causing them to miss out on the next level of their life.

Pain is usually a reason for us to stop and to take a closer look at our lives. It is an indication that something is out of balance in our lives. It doesn´t matter if it is physical or emotional pain. It always has to be addressed. If we ignore the pain than it will get a little louder and if we continue to ignore it will smack us right over the head, and at that time it will be impossible to ignore it.

Pain is often associated with a loss of some kind. It could be a loss of a relationship, divorce, loss of a job, moving to another city or country, financial loss, loss of health, an illness or death of someone.

The pain is never there to stop us. It is there to develop, prepare and increase us for a higher purpose and greater work in life. There is a new and  higher level waiting for us. .
A new calling and purpose for our lives.

In 2012 my own life completely collapsed.
First my mother died in the end of December, 2011.
I had to leave a narcissistic abuse relationship in March, 2012 and two weeks later I had to return to Sweden after living in The US for 25 years. (I was born and raised in Sweden).

I remember sitting in a small apartment in Sweden looking at the pieces of my old life and wondering and asking myself... "What happened"? and "what was I going to do now"?
The only thing I had left of my old life was a few things and clothes that I had shipped and my 2 two dogs that travelled with me from The US.

Fast forward to today, 4 years later. My life looks a lot different. I returned to The US in 2013 after spending one year in Sweden. I had also decided to go back to school and in 2014 I became a certified life coach. Today I help other people get their lives back on track. I have an online coaching business and it allows me to reach people all over the world.
What a difference 4 years can make. The journey "back to self" has not been easy. It has been a lot of work and self discovery.
I have learned so much about myself and about life

                                    "When you find your path, you must not be afraid.
                                  You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes.
               Disappointment, defeat and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way"
                                                         - Paulo Coelho

Since it has been 4 years since my own "Devine Storm" I have decided to share some of my most useful tips, ideas and strategies that allowed me to quickly get back on track.

I have created a 5 part series "How to quickly get back on track after life knocks you down".
In this series I will share my own strategies for bouncing back, but I will also share great information and strategies from my mentors and also from books that I have studied.

If you are ready to take your life to the next level I hope that you will tune in for my 5 part series in "How to quickly get your life back on track after life knocks you down".

In this 5 part series you will learn

- How to create a new powerful vision for your life. Without a vision it will be difficult to move forward. A promise of a great future will help you get through almost anything in life.

- Why self-care is so important. Taking charge of your health, exercise and sleep.

- Forgiveness. Without forgiveness you will continue to live in the past and you will miss out on the great future that the Universe has in store for you. Spending time in the past will just make you suffer more.

-  Personal Development. The more you know about yourself the better off you will be. Time to study yourself.

- Why getting back on track in an absolute must. The longer you stay stuck the longer you will miss out on your future. Get back on track as quickly as possible.

- Turn your wounds into wisdom. Share your experience with others is a very powerful way to heal. When you help someone else with their wounds, yours will heal.

- How to completely reinvent yourself and start a new chapter in your life

Plus a lot more.

The reason I am doing this workshops is that I have valuable informational, ideas and strategies that I feel will be of importance to you or maybe someone you know. These strategies have helped me tremendously during this past four years and I want to share them with you.

I don´t know what is going on in your life right now but I hope that you will find the information and strategies that I will share with you, useful. You might not need the information today but maybe the information can come in handy in the future when stormy weather hits and you need some tools on how to navigate the storm.

The 5 part series runs from Monday (March) 14th - Friday 18th. Just go to my website and click on BLOG.
It will be a new blog every day for 5 days.

I hope to will find the information useful and there is no need to sign up for it, just go to my website.

Looking forward to seeing you next week,

                                           Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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