Sunday, March 31, 2024

Be The Best Version Of You

Every day is another chance to get stronger, to eat better, 
to live healthier and to be the best version of you.

If your goal is to live a long, healthy, happy life and be fit and trim physically, there is no substitute for regular exercise. By building exercise and physical training into your daily routine you can achieve physical fitness just by making a few small modifications to your lifestyle. 

You are not gonna find your health on the same path you lost it.

Physical fitness specialists generally agree that you need to exercise 200-300 minutes per week to enjoy the maximum levels of physical well-being that are possible for you.

This means that you need to exercise between thirty and sixty minutes, five to seven times each week. 

You cannot buy your health, you must earn it through healthy living.

If you increased your exercise level to sixty minutes each time, five times per week, you will be in the top 1 to 2 percent of physically fit people in the world today.

I don't know about you... but I want to be in the 1 to 2 top percent in the world and I also want to live a long and healthy life. 

It's never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you.

Today I want to share a story from a book by Brian Tracy... NO Excuses.

Maybe this story will get you Inspired and Motivated to start making exercise part of your life style and that is never to late to start.

Some Years ago, there was a sixty-eight-year-old woman living in a senior citizens' home who had never given much thought to physical exercise. She had worked hard, raising a family, become a grandmother, and was now living comfortably in a senior citizens' residence.

One day, she saw a television special on jogging. During this special, the interviewed a couple of people in their fifties and sixties who were running marathons. Some of them had started running later in life.

This sixty-eight-year-old woman decided she wanted to run a marathon as well. She drove down to a nearby store and bought the proper shoes for walking and running. That day, she began her exercise regime by walking around the neighborhood where she lived. Over the next weeks, she walked ever-greater distances. She bought books and sought out advice on how to exercise and train her legs for running.

After two months, she began jogging a little as part of her walking routine. After six months, she began running part of her walking and jogging routine. By the end of the first year, she had run in a mini-marathon in her local community.

By the time she was seventy-five, she had completed ten 26.4-mile marathons and two fifty-mile cross-country marathons. And the most remarkable thing was that she had never run before the age of sixty-eight.

Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.

So, what's your excuse? 

If this sixty-eight-year-old woman could start exercising so late in life, why can't you?



Monday, March 25, 2024

The Meaning We Make Of Our Experiences


                    "Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it."

                                                                    - Tony Robbins 

Do you make meaning of things without enough evidence?

Have you ever gotten upset over how someone else treated you?

Maybe they didn't understand what you were trying to tell them or you felt like they were disrespectful and that they didn't care?

It happens all the time and to all of us.

If we can accept our helplessness over others behavior and not to get angry with the other person we would be a lot better off.

What do you do when you get upset with someone? Are you asking yourself... w
hat do they mean?  What does this mean?

Are you maybe adding meaning to something that doesn't exist?

Most stress is coming from making things more important then they are.

In the future when you get upset with someone or with a situation ask yourself...
What could this mean?

A lot of times we will come up with a negative meaning to what is going on. That is just the way our brains are wired. 

Rejection doesn't mean you are not good enough. 
It just means the other person failed to notice what you had to offer.

Instead of attaching a negative meaning to what is going on, try to come up with several positive ones instead.

Don't assume that a person has done something deliberately to hurt you.

When people do things it is rarely about you. It is more often about them.

They are usually trying to meet their own needs. They are trying to deal with their own fears and frustrations.

So if it's not about you... then what else could this mean?

Come up with a more powerful meaning.

Never assume the worst.

A lot of times when we get upset with someone it is usually because something from our own past is getting triggered by this person or the situation. 

"Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. 
Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their life 
and create a meaning that disempowers them 
or one that can literally save their lives." 
- Tony Robbins

So, the next time something happens ask yourself...

What does this mean?

Can I come up with a more powerful meaning?

Also ask yourself... why you are being triggered? Why are you getting upset?

Is it really about the other person or is it about you?

Maybe it is a fear showing up?

What is your fear about? 

"We are not determined by our experiences, 
but the meaning we give them is self-determining." 
- Ichiro Kishimi


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Get Off The Fence

                                     "Self-study, in a sense of learning by yourself 

                   without anybody teaching you anything, has enormous value." 

                                                                   - Robert Kraft

Don't remain on the fence. 

By jumping off the fence and into the game you will learn, but if you stay on the sidelines or the fence... thinking, planning, ruminating, getting-ready, having the perfect plan before you get started... then you will miss the chance to learn, expand and grow, and respond to the world. 

Have you ever told yourself that you will will start tomorrow? Or next week? Or on Monday?

What is wrong with starting today?"

"Learn by doing. Theory is nice, but nothing replaces actual experience." 

- Tony Hsieh

Stop delaying. It's not going to feel better to start next week or next month. You won't be more prepared a week from now or after you read another book or attended another seminar. 

Often we learn by just starting and then learn as we go.

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." 

- Aristotle

Get out of your comfort zone. Get a little uncomfortable for a while... you will be surprised how much you will learn by taking a few small steps out of your comfort zone. 

You learn by doing! 

Nothing new will feel comfortable in the beginning, but after a while you will get used to it and get comfortable with it.

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

 - Benjamin Franklin

You don't have to have the perfect plan to get started... just jump in it... get going... the rest will come to you when you need it.

How can you get off the fence today?

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Knowing Yourself Is True Wisdom

                            "Find yourself first, like yourself first, love yourself first, 

                                    and friendships and love will naturally find you." 

                                                                      - Mandy Hale

You must know thyself.

You must know how you want to live your own life, and then you must live it that way, being proud of your decisions, and stop worrying about what others think.

In today's world we are so busy wanting to know everything about everybody else. We want to know what other people are up to all the time. We are staying in constant contact with people we know and also people we don't know, through all kinds of social media, the internet and TV. 

"Knowing others  is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. 
Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. 
If you realize that you are enough, you are truly rich." 
- Lao Tzu

But in the battle of always wanting to know and learning about what other people are doing, we are forgetting one thing... learning about ourselves.
Learning and studying ourselves is so important, but instead we are studying everyone around us and we want to be more like them instead of being our authentic self. 

"First know yourself, then you will begin to understand why things are as they are, 
and why life is as it is." 
- Leon Brown

But the sooner you stop worrying about what other people think and what they are doing and not doing and start focusing on learning about "yourself" the better off you are going to be.
The sooner you can start to be believe in of yourself and to make decisions based on what you want and what you think... the better off you will be. And if you need to change something, then just change it. It is never too late to change and to get better. 

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." 
- Aristotle

You can change. You can live the life you always wanted. You can live a life of your own design.
It starts with creating the rules for your own life. What you will accept from other people, but also what you will accept from yourself.

So stop following other people and their lives and dreams and put some energy into creating your own dream and vision for your own life. Never feel bad for putting yourself first and doing what is right for you.

A wise man travels to discover himself.


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Be A Doer

                          "Knowledge is not of value unless you put it into practice." 

                                                                   - Anton Chekhov

We all have heard that knowledge is power.

What you know can drastically improve your life.
It can help you create changes, give you more insight and understanding. Ignorance is not bliss.

But is it true that knowledge is power? Not really.
Knowledge is not power... it's potential power. 

"Knowing is not enough: We must apply. 
Willingness is not enough. We must do." 
- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Knowledge is only power if you apply what you are learning.
You can study and learn all day long... day in and day out, but if you never apply what you are leaning then it's just a lot of learning. 

Most of us know what we should do with our lives, how to change, how to make our lives better,
but we still don't do it.

Do you know someone like that? Maybe it's YOU???

"Book knowledge is not enough. 
Experienced knowledge is essential for success in life." 
- Debasish Mridha

Having the knowledge is not enough, we have to get ourselves to follow through with what we are learning. We have to follow through with the new ideas, the new strategies and the new knowledge that we have come across.

Have you ever read a book that was filled with great ideas on how to make improvements in your life if you just followed a few simple rules and then applied them in your own life?  

Have you ever listen to a podcast, became inspired and decided to check out the new ideas and suggestions?

Did you ever attend a live seminar and then decided that you you were going to make some drastic changes to your life starting the following day?

Most people have.

It's not the knowledge we absorb, it's the knowledge you apply.

First we get excited about the new information. We tell ourselves that this time we are going to implement these simple strategies in our own life.
We might even get so excited that we put the ideas on a piece of paper and tell ourselves that "I will start on Monday."
Then Monday turns into next Monday. That Monday turns into next month and then we find ourselves saying "Someday I will."

Someday I will get my health-plan going.
Someday I will start saving money.
Someday I will change my job.
Someday I will change my attitude.
Someday I will lose weight.
Someday I will quit smoking.
Someday I will_________________ Finish the sentence.

Someday is not a day of the week.
Someday will probably not happen. It's the road to nowhere. 

The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

Did this happen because you didn't have the knowledge to do something or make a change in your life?
No it didn't.
You had the knowledge but you didn't apply what you knew. 

Action is proof who someone is. Words just prove who they want to be.

So you see... knowledge isn't enough and it has little power until you apply it in your own life. 

Take Action! 
An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention.