Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Don't Allow Toxic And Manipulative People To Hold You Back

                                        Do not keep people in your life that are not for you.
                                             Eventually these people will stress you out 
                                               and become the source of your downfall.

If you are a person that have made some positive changes in your life recently you might be surprised by the reaction of some of the people closest to you.
Sad but true, you must realize that not everyone is going to be happy for you and your new life style.

Maybe friends and family members are not supporting you the way you thought they would?
Maybe your growth and new way of thinking and living is actually a threat to them?
Don't be surprised if the people closest to you and even family members try to sabotage your efforts.
I'm not saying that people will consciously try to sabotage you, but they might do this in order to protect you or themselves from change.

Always pay attention to what people are saying to you.
The information might be of great value but it can also be a hidden agenda.
Pay attention to what is being said and what their motives are.

Some people will be overprotective of you because they don't want you to get hurt. Maybe if you try something you will end up failing. These people are generally acting with care, love and concern and it might be difficult to discover their hidden agenda.
This one is hard to catch and hard to fight because they act like they are really concerned for you.

Other people will be upset with you because you actually accomplished what they themselves had always wanted to be able to do. You succeeded and they didn't.
Some people feel that you have something that they themselves want.
These people will try to sabotage you in order to bring you back down to their own level.

Some people will only feel comfortable in familiar circumstances even if their circumstances are bad. Ever heard...."Better the devil that I know than the one I don't know"? A change is a huge threat to them and always scary, even if it's a change for the better. It's still a change.
These people don't want to venture out of their comfort zone.....ever.

Other people will try to take your power away by telling you things like....."Who do you think you are, trying to start a business of your own. You don't have any business experience" or "Do you really think that you will be able to keep the weight off that you have lost?" or "You are way to old to accomplish your dream. You might as well stay here with us, because if you leave us you will fail."
These people will try to strip you of your own power in order to maintain their relationship with you.

Toxic and Manipulative people come in many forms. Develop a strong sense of what type of people that you want to have in your life. The clearer you are about what you want and what is acceptable behavior will make it easier for you to identify people and situations where manipulation is happening and toxicity is spread.

If you are a person that are determined to live your life in the most authentic degree, you must realize that you are going to disappoint a few people.
Just make sure to not allow these people to set you back on your new path in life.


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