Monday, July 17, 2017

Don't Sit On the Sidelines Of Life

                                           Struggles are required in order to survive in life,
                        because in order to stand up, you got know what falling down is like.

Can you remember when you were a kid playing on the playground with all your friends?
You were doing all kind of things. Playing, laughing and also falling down. What happened after you fell down? You got up, brushed yourself off and jumped right back into the fun and the game.
Did you think that you were a failure because you fell down? Or didn't know how to do something right away? didn't.
You just laughed together with your friends and you tried again. If you didn't know how to do something you asked your friend to show you how and then you tried.
And your friends did the same thing.....if they fell or did something funny or silly.....they got back up and you all laughed at it. No big deal.
Did you sit on the side of the playground not participating in the fun? I am sure you didn't. Who wants to sit and just watch other kids having fun and not joining them?

So when did we decide that falling down equals failure?
And if we fall down, we now stay down instead of getting back up and we decide that we can't do it.

When did we decide that we can't ask for help from our friends, family members or from a mentor?
Ask for help and have them show us how they did something that we would like to do?
Instead we have decided that asking for help is a sign of weakness.

At what point did we decide to just remain on the sidelines instead of playing and having fun , like we used to do when we were kids?

Did you know that the majority of people won't even try once to do something new?
They talk themselves out of doing something before that have even tried it and they tell themselves that they can't possible do it, or make it happen.
People are so fearful of failure that they won't even try.

They tell themselves things like.....

"I can't possible be able to create financial freedom in my life. I am thousands of dollars in debt right now and my job doesn't pay very well"

"I am way to old/young to start my own business. No one that I know has done it so who is going to be able to help me and show me how?" 

I have had this extra weight since I was a teenager and now I am forty so I guess I will be like this the rest of my life. I have tried every diet there is and I guess I am just not suppose to be thin and fit"

My dad/mom was an alcoholic so I guess I am just stuck in this addiction for the rest of my life like they were"

In my opinion there is no such thing as failure. It is only feedback.
What you did wasn't working for some reason.

Failures or setbacks can also be viewed as steppingstones to success. In order to be truly successful at something you must know how it feels to fall down.

Sometimes I believe it is more like a lesson that we needed to learn. An important life lesson and if you really look at the lesson it will probably give you some valuable information that you didn't have before.

Be more like the kid you used to be playing on the playground. When you fall down, get up and brush yourself off.
Sometimes laughing at yourself when things happen is a great way of turning something unpleasant into something more pleasant. Tell a friend about and then laugh together.

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly until you get there. Until you get better at it.

Don't sit on the sidelines of life anymore. Get on the field and start playing.
And if you fall down, you just get back up, brush yourself off, laugh and then jump back into the game again.

Remember to bounce and not break when you fall.
Because you will fall down in life. We all fall....but don't stay there. Get back up.
Ask for help if you need it.

                                        Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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