Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Out With The Old - Make Room For The New

                               That broken thing you keep trying to put back together
                   can´t even compare with the beautiful thing that´s waiting to be built.

Have you allowed stagnation to take over your life? Maybe it is time to de-clutter your life?

Stagnation can take many forms and in order to eliminate it from our lives we must be firm and efficient about it.
This can sometimes be challenging because we may have an emotional attachement to it.

Lets take physical clutter a example. You might have attachement to some of your things or some of your clutter. By getting rid of some of your clutter you are clearing out the old to make room for something new and better. Donate old clothing and possessions that you are no longer using. Let someone else enjoy your used things. Clean and organize your surroundings as much as possible. Put things away after using them.
Do you have a lot of physical clutter in your home, work place or your car?

Sometimes it might also be time to de-clutter your personal/business relationships. Are you clinging to relationships that you outgrew years ago? Are people around you being negative, always complaining, gossiping and in general just griping about their lives? Maybe it is time to stop spending as much time with these people?
Remember you are trying to create some room for something better to show up.

How about your finances, are they out of balance? Are you credit cards maxed out? Do you have a lot of past-due bills tucked away in a drawer somewhere?
Time to take charge of your financial situation. It might seem overwhelming in the beginning but start by creating a plan. Set up payment plans with creditors, start a savings account, create a budget and stick to it.
These small steps are going to give you peace of mind and greater prosperity.

Are you stuck in self-defeating habits and activities? Start by creating a plan to resolve anything that makes you feel unhappy, dissatisfies, frustrated or empty on the inside.

If you have clutter in your life, it will block you from creating what you really want. It can also result in clouded thinking, negativity, loss of energy and depression.

And the really sad thing is that clutter and disharmony will block prosperity from entering your life.

Start today by removing anything that is blocking the flow of prosperity into your life.
Release the old to make way for the new.

                                     Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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