Monday, April 13, 2015

Focus on What is Right with YOU

A lot of times we are focusing on what is "wrong" with us. And we get plenty of help from people around us and also TV, internet and magazines that are always pointing out what is "wrong" with us.

Plenty of ads telling us what we need to look like...what we should do to we need to dress ...... . what to do to be more successful..... what we need to do and to look like to find the "perfect love" in our lives..... and what we must start doing, versus stop doing.

The world is full of messages telling us that we are not good enough or worthy of....(fill in the blank)

Seldom are we actually celebrating what is "right" with us. It is time to change this. is time to start focusing on and celebrating  what is "right" with you.

We also allow old memories from the past to define who we are today.

Because this happened to me....I can't be happy. Because  I was born into a dysfunctional family......I can't find true love and a great career. Show me a functional family.

Don't allow the past to define who you are today.

Focus on what you have learned from the past. Rather than focusing on the pain of your past. Quickly reframe hurtful and bitter memories into reminders how much you have grown.

We don't have to thank the people from the past that have hurt us, or made our lives a living hell.
Hopefully you cut those people out of your lifer and are have a "no contact" policy, for good reasons.

You didn't give those people permission to hurt you but if you are constantly thinking about them and how much they have hurt you in the past you are allowing them to continue to hurt you in the present and also in the future. Forgiveness is the key. Forgive yourself and then move on. Don't give those people and experiences power and permission to continue to hurt you.

You have a choice...let it go!!!

Reframe your memories.

Would you be as strong today if these people wouldn't have hurt you? Would you be as compassionate or liberated, as you are right now without the experience?

If I wouldn't have meet my ex-partner and had to go through narcissistic abuse for several years...I wouldn't have become a life coach..... now specializing in helping women to get back on track after life has knocked them down.

It doesn't take much imagination. I wouldn't be where I am today if I had not met my first husband, my narcissistic partner, moved to Texas from Sweden. My life experience and my memories forced me to take action.

If you are still in trauma, use your memory of the future to imagine an empowered life and start living it with every step and decision.
This too shall pass!
But not necessarily by itself. It might need a little help from you, and why wait. Start now, create memories now that will fill your mind with your own power to choose.

And don't forget to always focus on.....What is right with you!
You are a strong, empowered human being and you are able to create anything you desire and dream of in your own life.

Become the Star in your Own Movie!
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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