Wednesday, November 14, 2018

You Have To Treat Yourself As You Matter

                                              You have to treat yourself as you matter,
                                                              because if you don't,
                                                   you won't take care of yourself.

Movement and exercise will lead to great benefits for all of us.

Our body is interconnected. It's like a two-way street.
What we eat will affect our body, our gut and also our brain.
What we think about and dwell on consistently will also affect our body and our gut.

Exercising is wonderful for our gut but also for our thoughts and our state of mind.

Some kind of movement on a daily base is essential for creating our best life, our best health, and our best brain.

I am probably just like you, and like most people, I really don't enjoy the gym that much. I have never spent hours at the gym and I probably never will but I love to move my body.
I prefer to be outdoors to do my exercise. I love to walk with my dogs. I enjoy jogging and I do yoga and some strength training.

We are all so busy with our lives and because of this busyness in life it's easy to blow of movement and exercise.
But not moving your body on a daily base isn't healthy and can be dangerous.

We must start to prioritize our health.
Without a healthy body and a healthy mind, we really don't have much.

Your real wealth is your health.

Take care of your body because it's the only place you've got to live.

Make time for movement every single day, even if it's only a short walk.

Here are a few strategies to make movement part of your daily routine.

Make a plan.
If you are going to go walking, get your shoes out of the closet and choose the clothing that you will wear.
If you are heading out to the gym first thing in the morning, get your gym bag packed and ready.
Make it easy for you. Prepare the night before if you are exercising early in the morning.

Do it early in the day
Some people like to exercise first thing in the morning.
I do better myself with mid-morning.
If you push movement and exercise off to later in the day, chances are that your motivation and your willpower might get weaker and that will sometimes make you neglect to move and to exercise and push it off until the following day.
Jumpstart your metabolism by getting moving as early as possible. It will also make you feel happier, healthier and less stressed.

Make exercise fun
Choose an activity that you enjoy doing or chances are you won't do it for very long.
Vary your routine. Explore new things. Get a work-out buddy. Take a spin class. Group exercises are fun and you can even get a personal trainer to keep yourself on track.

Figure out what will work for you.
Have fun and get moving.


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