Monday, November 12, 2018

Supersize Your Vision

                                                               "Stay focused,
                                                          go after your dreams
                                             and keep moving towards your goals."
                                                                 - L. L. Cool J

Have you lowered your expectations of what you want in your life based on what you think is available for you?

A lot of people won't have a vision for their life, simply because they don't think it's possible for them to actually go out there and make it happen.

Or they set such lousy goals that they are not even excited about their goals. It doesn't make them want to get out of bed in the morning.

Or we set such low goals that when we actually reach them, we don't feel excited at all.

Having a vison for your life is very powerful and then setting daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals to be able to make it happen is so important.

A dream and goals can become like a giant magnet.
The stronger and more powerful the goal and the higher the purpose the stronger this magnet is that pulls you forward in the right direction.

Having a vision and goals can pull you through all kinds of down days, and they will pull you through a difficult time.

About a month ago I had the opportunity to visit Lakewood church in Houston, Texas.
I have been listening to Joel Osteen's messages since 2013 and I always wanted to actually be able to be part of one of the services at Lakewood, live.
What made this goal a little difficult was that I have spent the last three and a half years in Sweden. It's a long way from being in Sweden to being able to attend Lakewood church in Houston, Tx. But every week and often several times per week I would get online and watch and listen to Joel's messages.
My vision was that when I had the chance to return to The US and to Houston, one of the first things I wanted to do was to visit Lakewood church.

Guess what, I came back to Houston this past month and one of the first thing I did was to head down to Lakewood church. I was so excited that my dream would actually come true.
I would have been very happy with being in the back of the church and just enjoying the service, that was my vision for the visit.
That vision was too small. It needed to be larger. It needed to be supersized. But I didn't think that I was going to be able to accomplish anything bigger that day than to attend church, somewhere in the back.

On October the 21st I ended up on the 4th row, right in the middle of the row and when Joel came up on stage, I felt like I could almost touch him, I was that close. Amazing.
It didn't end there. After the service I actually got the chance to meet Joel, shake his hand and exchange a few words with him.

How did this happen?
It wasn't that difficult at all.
When you attend Lakewood church the first time you simply go up to the information desk and tell them it's your first time visiting and they will escort you to the front of the church and you will sit there with a lot of other people from all over the world, attending for the first time.
Then I overheard one of the many volunteers talk to some people next to me that Joel will talk to people on the 2nd floor after every service. When I hear that I decide that I was going to be one of those people that had the opportunity to say "Hello" and shake his hand.
I did get the chance to meet him and to talk to him.
Amazing experience that Sunday at Lakewood.

You are probably wondering where I am going with this story.
Maybe our dream isn't that complicated to accomplish as we think it is. A lot of times we start thinking about everything that could go wrong and we stop before we even get started. A lot of times

We must supersize the vision for our life if we are going to get excited about accomplishing it.
I know a lot of you think that it will never happen to you. That you will never be able to accomplish your dream, simply because you can't see a way that it will happen. (I didn't think that I was ever going to have the chance to meet Joel)

You don't think you have any resources, not enough money, you don't know the right people, you're too old/too young, you don't have the talents.....and the list goes on.
But I want to tell you that you do have all those things.
And if you don't feel like you have it right now, start anyway.  Because things will show up when you start walking towards your dream that you could never have envisioned and planned for.

When you have a clear vision of what you want, a plan to go with how to accomplish your dream and then you take action towards your dream, amazing things will happen.
Even if you don't see a way in the beginning, things will start to happen that you didn't plan and could not have ever planned for. In other words you will get help from other people, books, messages an idea or a gut feeling.

A lot of people give up on their goals because
The goals wasn't a great one
They give up too soon, before reaping the reward of their efforts.
And the number one reason they give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come. I also believe a lot of people won't even start because the can not see a way that it will happen, so they decide to stay where they are without even trying.

What is your vision for you life?
Does it get you excited and does it make you want to jump out of bed, every morning?

If might be time to supersize your vision. Put your dreams on steroids and then go for it!

You can make it happen.

I believe in YOU!


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