Monday, August 1, 2016

Your Environment is Everything

                             You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with.
                                                           Choose carefully.

One great way of doing things that we feel are impossible to do or to accomplish, is to find someone or several people who have already done what we are trying to do.

If you are trying to accomplish a certain goal..... go out and search for the people that has already accomplished this goal.

Identify the people that are already doing the things you want to do.... both in business and in life.

Both the everyday people and also the mentors that will show us the roadmap to make our dreams a reality.

You can find them in person by attending a seminar that they are teaching.
Or you can read books written by people who have already accomplished what you are trying to do.

Also look around at your current the people that you spend the most time with actually supporting you in your journey to accomplish your dream?

Do these people encourage you?

Or are they pulling you down and sometimes even make you doubt yourself and what you are trying to accomplish?

For each person who doesn´t bring you up, you must create a plan to spend less and less time with this person.

Start spending time around  people that you admire. Find videos on-line, read books, attend conferences, find meetup organizations or go to live seminars.

Who do you spend most of your time with?

Do they build you up and inspire you?

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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