Friday, August 5, 2016

How to Create a Breakthrough

                                       "The first step towards getting somewhere
                           is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are."
                                                             - Unknown

Focus on what you want - not what you fear.

What you fear and focus on you will get more of.
You must focus on the direction that you want to go.

You will never get what you want if you continue to focus on what you don´t want.

Be honest. See things how they really are. Don´t lie.
See it as it is. Not worse than it is, like most people do.

See it better than it is. What is your vision or outcome?
If you have a compelling future, you can get there.

Create a blueprint or a plan to meet your vision.
Make it simple and don´t forget to take action.

Make sure that you are spending your time, emotions and your focus on things you can control, not things you cannot control.

Do things that you absolutely control.
You control what you focus on and what you feel inside.

You get to determine what you feel inside, no matter what someone says or does in your life.

There is nothing in your life that you are going to feel that you are not creating, and that you can´t change in a heartbeat. If you want to.

Do not stress out about things you can´t control or change.

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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