Monday, April 11, 2016

What Kind of Magnet Are You?

                                                 Each of us acts like a magnet.......
                 We attract conditions that are in accord with our thoughts and energy.

Are you happy with who you are attracting to yourself?

We are all like magnets. We attract to ourselves reflections of who we are.

If you are attracting closed-minded, unhappy, angry, emotionally available, pessimistic or judgmental people into your life.... you might want to look in the mirror first before you continue to complain about the people in your life.

What kind of magnet are you?

Some people believe that "if I can only attract a happy person or a happy mate into my life....I will be happy"

Those people have it backwards. First you have to become happy before you will attract happy people and happy experiences into your life.

Happiness is a skill (or an inner muscle). It isn´t automatic. You have to work on it. The good thing is that you can become more skillful at "happiness" starting right now.
You just have to decide that you want to change your habits and become more happy.
It is up to you to do the work.

Remember that you cannot give away what you don´t have.
EX.....If I wanted to give away a dozen apples, I first have to have a dozen apples to give away.

Same thing with happiness or love or whatever it is that you want to attract into your life.
First you have to become it, in order to be able to attract it.

So you might want to examine first what kind of magnet that you are?

We don´t attract from what we want.....we attract from who we are.

If you don´t like the people around you, first take a good look at yourself and ask yourself...
Did I attract this into my life?

The good thing is that you can start changing it FIRST CHANGING YOURSELF.

If you don´t change you will continue to attract the same kind of people into your life.

It starts with you and it starts on the inside.....not the outside.

I encourage you to focus on becoming the kind of person that you want to attract into your life.

                                        Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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