Friday, June 5, 2015

I Am The Star in My Own Movie

Are you comparing yourself to others and to their success?

It he answer is is time to STOP........right now.

We are all unique individuals and we all have our own path to the life that we want. We are all the star in our own movie and the important thing is to stay in our own movie or on our own path.

Stop comparing yourself to others.......they are not on your path or in your movie. They have their own path.

Also don't wait to celebrate until you have achieved all the things that you long for. Celebrate every day for what you have accomplished already.

Always cheer yourself on for the acts of courage and bravery that you do to help yourself grow and to get closer to the life that you truly want and that reflects your definition of success.

Getting out of your comfort zone can be very scary but  at the same time, also a very rewarding experience.
Every time you ventured out in the unknown, did something that you had never done before.......CELEBRATE!!!!!

Be grateful for the gifts from the Universe that show up all the time and support you.

Hang out with positive, happy and like-minded people who will understand you dream and vision and that will be supportive of you when you climb the mountain and sail the seas in search of your dreams.

                                                          "Life is like a movie
                                                         write your own ending
                                                              keep believing
                                                             keep pretending." 

                                                              - Jim Hanson

Remember you are the star in your own movie. Claim it and fill it up with things that bring you joy and happiness and keep on creating new and wonderful scenes from your movie and make time to celebrate the previous one.

So what are you waiting for?

Don't start creating the scenes from your new movie...... it today!

                                       Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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