Monday, July 4, 2016

Face Your Fear Today!

                       "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience
                                    in which you really stop and look fear in the face.
                               You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
                                                    - Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you know what the #1 fear is?
According to most studies it is the fear of public speaking.

The #2 fear is death.
So I guess the ultimate fear would be doing the eulogy at a funeral.

So is public speaking actually about the fear of speaking?
Most of us talk to friends, family-members and co-workers all day long.
We can talk to our trusted friend and tell them anything and everything.

So why do we feel such fear when we have to speak to five or more strangers?
The fear is about being judged. Either for what we say, how we say it or how we look.
We doubt ourselves, out ability and we are scared of the response from people.

A lot of problems could be solves by believing in ourselves and care less about what people think about us.

Look at the most successful people....they have put themselves out there and they have endured criticism. Some more that others.

You can not follow your dream and put yourself out there and not expect to get criticized.

Isn´t it about time you start to believe in yourself and less in what other people think.

That´s why you need to enter a space each and every day where fear and doubt can´t touch you.

How do you do that?

Simply by taking action.

Do something that scares you. Do the things that you are fearful of.

Don´t wait. You will never get over your fear by not facing your fears or by waiting for the right moment. It will never happen.

You must take action.

Do it today.

Deal with your fear and after you have faced your fear you will discover that it wasn´t that scary after all.

You can do it!!!

I believe in YOU!

                                        Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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