Monday, October 24, 2022

What Do You Really Want?

                                    "Never give up on what you really want to do."

                                                        - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Unfortunately, too often we will talk ourselves out of what we really want.

Why do we do this?

A lot of times it can be old beliefs and old feelings associated with our dream.
They will pop up in our mind and mess with us and with our self-esteem.
Things like past failures and doubts that we will ever be able to accomplish what we really want.

Can you remember how many times in your life that you have abandoned something that was important to you because of feelings like......

It is way too hard
There is not enough support
Not enough time or money to make my dream happen
People won´t like me if I pursue my dream
I am afraid to be too visible and to show the world who I am
I am too old or too young
I don´t know the right people
I can´t learn the skills I need to have to pursue my dream

How many excuses have you heard yourself use in your lifetime?
How many times have you abandon your new ideas?
How many dreams have fallen by the wayside?

Now this is not about judging yourself and your past.
This is about starting fresh, no matter what has gone on before.
It is about trying something new.
It is about letting go of your old beliefs and not to allow them to interfere or stop you. 

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. 
If you don't, you'll find an excuse. " 
- Jim Rohn

The first thing you need to do is......
To visualize your desired outcome.
What do you really... really... really want?
Can you actually see what it is that you want for yourself and your life?

To be able to do this process you most likely need to spend some time alone.
Listen to your inner voice or dialogue.
Not the one that tells you to get busy and the one that keeps pushing you to look "out there".

Have some alone time and focus on your dream.
Spending time alone will start the process of discovering or re-discovering your dream.

Make sure you carve out some quiet time for yourself every day. Even if it´s only 5 minutes.
Increase little by little.

You don´t need to fill your life and your precious time with people or activities that undermine or sabotage your dream.

Just remind yourself that you deserve to live your dream.
You deserve to feel whole and empowered.
You are enough.

Sometimes you need to be alone, to find out who you really are and what you really want in life.


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