Monday, April 16, 2018

Revise The Files In Your Mind

                                                  What consumes your mind,
                                                         controls your life.

Revise the files in your mind.....what does that really mean?

It means to unlearn some old and useless information and beliefs, to make room for a new way of thinking.

To be happy and successful in life, isn't just about learning new things. It's also about unlearning or letting go of what isn't true. Like old stories, ideas, beliefs from parent, siblings, teachers, friends, co-workers, spouses and also society.

Change isn't easy, but it's absolutely possible and within your power.

If you want to change what is visible, you first must change what is invisible. In other words, if you change the inside the outside will fall into place.

Your outer world is always a reflection of your inner world.

I'm sure you have heard that your own thoughts create your reality.

Thoughts leads to feelings. Feelings leads to action, which then leads to results.

Where does your thoughts come from?
Why do you think the way you do? Or why do you think differently from another person?

Your thoughts originate from the files that you have stored in your own subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like a filing cabinet and in that cabinet you have stored everything that ever happened to you.

Where does this information come from?
It comes from your past programming. Your past conditioning determines every thought that comes up in your mind.

Your old programming or conditioning leads to your thoughts.
Thoughts leads to your feelings.
Feelings leads to action.
Action leads to results.

Change your programming (Just like you change a program in a computer) and you can change your results.

Most of us are programmed by our own parents.
How did we get programmed?
From what our parents said, what they modeled in front of us and also from incidents or experiences.

Unfortunately as we grow up we take on programming and beliefs that are not our own and they have nothing to do with us. We have old information that doesn't reflect who we are. We continue to live with old programming and sometimes it will set us up for failure because this programming is very outdated, wrong and not our own and it's not based on who we are.

Subconscious conditioning determines our thinking. Our thinking determines our decisions.
Our decisions determines our action and eventually our action will determine our outcome or results.

How Do We Change This Programming?

You cannot change something that you are not aware of. If you don't know that it exists you won't change it.

By understanding why you think the way you do. Where your way of thinking originated, you can recognize that it didn't come from you. If came from outside of you. Maybe a parent, teacher, sibling or friend.

Once you realize that this way of thinking isn't YOU, you can separate yourself from it and choose to either keep it or to let it go.
Where you are today as an adult, you can observe this way of thinking and see if for what it is.....a file of information that was stored in your mind a long time ago, and it might not be your truth and it might not have any value to you anymore. You can now choose to let it go.

Recondition Your Mind
Expose yourself to new information and to new people that will generate the life that you want.
Rewire your subconscious. Retrain your mind for lasting change by frequently working on your mind and also by getting support around you. Spend time with people who also have adapted your new way of thinking. Find mentors, read books, go to seminars. Model people that have already created the life that you also want to create and ultimately live.


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