Monday, February 26, 2018

Your Environment Will Influence You

                                                             "People are like plants.
                                             They grow and they change every day."
                                                                - Cutis Jackson

Since spring-time is almost upon us I was thinking of gardening, planting and beautiful flowers, this morning.
I don't know about you, but I love the outdoors and gardening is one of my favorite things to do.
Soon it will be time to go and to pick the beautiful flowers that you are going to plant in your garden this year.

When you go to the store to buy a flower that you are going to plant in the ground or in a pot, you will usually pick a flower that is healthy and strong. Then you will buy some new and fresh soil to put the plant in.

If a healthy and strong flower isn't planted in good soil it is not going to be able to bloom and become all that it can be.
The problem isn't the flower but the soil that it's put in. And if the soil is filled with rocks, weeds and roots it's going to be very difficult for the flower to grow and reach it's full potential.
You wouldn't forget to water your plant either with water and some nutrients and you would make sure that it got the sunshine that it needed.

Same thing if you plant a flower in a too small of a pot, it won't be able to grow and become all that it could be. It might survive but it's not going to he strong and healthy.

Same principle in life.
Think of yourself as this beautiful flower filled with potential, gifts, talents but if you plant yourself in unhealthy soil, and what I refer to when I mean soil is your environment.
If your environment and the people that you surround yourself with is limited, it will be very difficult for you to reach your full potential.

If your friends, work or your surroundings are like weeds, rocks and roots, then they will eventually pull you down.
They will soon choke the life out of the flower. It will not be able to grow and expand and to become all that you can be.
It's not that it's something wrong with the flower. The problem is the soil.

Weeds, rocks and roots are things like that friends that are negative or the co-workers that sit around and gossip every day, your angry boss that always blames you for everything or it can be your own family-members that don't believe in your dream and your potential.

If you hang around negative and pessimistic people it will eventually choke the life out of your flower.

In other words.....the environment that you put yourself in is extremely important.
No matter how good the flower is, it's dependent on having good soil to grow in. 

You must be selective with whom you give your time, energy and attention to, because you will eventually become like the people that you spend your time with.
Negativity, pessimism, complaining, envy, jealousy, anger, bitterness and gossiping is contagious. If you are not careful you might catch it from other people.

If your friends have limited thinking, no dreams, no goals or no motivation..... that narrow-minded thinking is going to rub off on you.

Stop hanging around people that don't have anything that you want.
If they don't inspire you to grow and to make yourself want to become need to make some changes.
Their negativity is contaminating the soil.

Look around you...... what is influencing you?
What are you spending time and energy on?
Did you plant your flower in good soil or is your soil being contaminated with what you watch, what you are constantly thinking about and by who you are spending time with?

Do you know of some people that are pulling you down?

Why haven't you already walked away from these people?

Why won't you make a change?

Now the problem with not making a change is that you will get stuck where you are.
You can't grow in bad soil.

If you don't get rid of the wrong people.....the right people will never show up in your life.

The Universe will never ask you to give up something without giving your plenty back.
You might have to go through a time of being lonely but the Universe will give you new friends that will pull you up..... instead of pulling you down.

What are you holding onto in your own life right now that you know that you should have let go off long time ago?

Does your vision increase when you are among your friends.....or does it decrease?
Choose the right environment, friendships and mindsets. Don't hang around can't do it people. Connect with dreams.
Find some good mentors. People that are further along on the journey than you are. You need people that will pull you into your destiny.

Keep your environment healthy.


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