Friday, May 13, 2016

It´s Time to Awaken Your Dreams

                                                    "Start by doing what´s necessary;
                                                            then do what´s possible;
                                           and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
                                                              - Francis of Assisi

Your dreams can never be destroyed.

They can be battered and bruised, but they will never die.

Sometimes they will just sink into a deep sleep in the very back of your own mind.

They might lie there for years..... waiting for the day they will be realized.

It is time to remember the days when there were no impossibilities.

It is time to awaken your dreams and start living the life you always wanted to live.

Make sure that you don´t die with your dreams still inside of you.

Be bold and start walking in the direction of your dreams.

Don´t waste another day waiting.

Start today!

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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