Friday, May 22, 2015

The Primary Reson for Succes - Persistance

Do you suffer from Excuseitis?

Inflammation of the EXCUSE nerve!!!!!

In my coaching business I run into so many clients that are blaming someone else for their misery, failures and where they are in life.

You won't be able to change anything in your life if you continue to blame someone else or an incident in your life.

We must always take responsibility for our own decisions and actions, because they have lead us to where we are in life right now.

Take responsibility for your own life. If you don't like your life right now - Change your decisions and take different action.

Today I want to share with you a great book that I have recently read.

No Brian Tracy

The primary reason for success is persistence, and likewise, the primary reason for failure is a lack of persistence, quitting too soon.

It doesn't matter if you want to start living a healthier lifestyle, lose some weight, start a new business...often a lack of persistence and perseverance makes most of us quit too soon.

Identify one area in your life in which you need to persist even harder to achieve your goal, and then take action in that area.

Refuse to blame others or make excuses.

Persistence is self-discipline in action.

In life it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is how many times you get back up. If you continue to get back up and press onward you must eventually reach your goal.

Make a decision today that you will persist until you succeed, no matter what. Declare to yourself........."I am unstoppable"

Nothing can really stop you - but yourself.

                                           Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach


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