Monday, October 3, 2016

How Do You Solve a Problem - Help Someone Else With Theirs.

                                      "Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness
                                                  to pull another hand into the light.
                                                            - Norman B. Rice

Do you know why I write newsletters, blogs, and do my postings on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube?

So that I can read and listen to them all myself.....again and again and again.

I do this because the teacher always receives the greatest lessons he seeks to teach others.
Also we teach what we most need to learn ourselves.

What is the best way to get out of a funky and sometimes depressed mood?
Talk someone else out of theirs.

What is the best way to get out of a mental energy slump?
Talk someone else out of theirs.

What is the best way of trying to solve our own problems?
Talk someone else out of theirs.


Because when we start to talk and discuss a problem with someone else we will hear ourselves say amazing and insightful things.

We will share all the knowledge that we have gathered come out of us to try to help this person.

When we hear ourselves talk to help another person to solve their energy slump or their problem it will ultimately help us hearing it again.

Most of the time it is easier to tap into our own wisdom, knowledge, experiences and resources for someone else than it is to tap into it for ourselves.

We easily forget things in life, important things and we have to be constantly reminded.

How do you solve a problem? Help someone else with theirs.

Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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