Friday, October 7, 2016

Are You Adding Meaning To Something That Doesn´t Exist?

                                                      "What is the meaning of life?
                                                      Whatever meaning you give it."
                                                                     - James Frey

Have you ever gotten upset over how someone else treated you?

Maybe they didn´t understand what you were trying to tell them or you felt like they were disrespectful and that they didn´t care?

It happens all the time ...and to all of us.

If we can accept our helplessness over others´ behavior and not to get angry with the other person we would be a lot better off.

What do you do when you get upset with someone? are you asking yourself..... What do they mean? What does this mean?

Are you maybe adding meaning to something that doesn´t exist?

Most stress is coming from making things more important then they are.

In the future when you get upset with someone or with a situation ask yourself...
What could this mean?

A lot of times we will come up with a negative meaning to what is going on. That is just the way our brains are wired.

Instead of attaching a negative meaning to what is going on, try to come up with several positive ones instead.

Don´t assume that a person has done something deliberately to hurt you.

When people do things it is rarely about you. It is more often about them.

They are usually trying to meet their own needs. They are trying to deal with their own fears and frustrations.

So if it´s not about you.....then what else could this mean?

Come up with more powerful meanings.

Never assume the worst

A lot of times when we get upset with someone it is usually because something from our past is getting triggered by this person or the situation.

So next time something happens ...ask yourself

What does this mean?

Can I come up with a few powerful meanings?

Also ask yourself.....why you are being triggered? Why are you getting upset?

Is it really about the other person or is it about you?

Maybe it is a fear showing up?

What is your fear about?

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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