Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Great Rule for "Letting Things Go"

Yesterday I read something interesting.... a comment made by Coach Don Shula of the Miami Dolphins. He was talking about a "twenty-four-hour rule" that required players and coaches alike to adjust their attitude within twenty-four hours after a game to prepare for the next one.

In other words, regardless of the outcome..... it was past history that could not be changed, so now they were expected to adapt to the next challenge.

What and excellent rule....
You can only hang on to what happened for the next 24 hours..... good or bad doesn't matter ....and then it tis time to refocus on your next challenge in life.

The sooner you stop wasting your energy on something that happened in the past, the more you can focus on what is going on in the present. Can you image how much more power you would have if you let go of the past and focused 100% on your next task.

Where Focus goes Energy Flows.....stop leaking your mental energy on something that  is already in the past..... you can't change it anyway!

Take 24 hours...and then......Let It Go!

                                        Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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