Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Power Of Forgiveness

                 "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you."

We all experience resentment: resentments when someone cheats us, resentment when we are accused or punished unjustly, resentment when someone doesn't treat us the way we want to be treated, resentment when life isn't fair, and so on. Having resentments isn't such a bad thing - it's a human thing. it's holding onto them that causes problems.

It is no accident that all the world's great religious emphasize the need for forgiveness. What great spiritual teachers know is that forgiveness helps the forgiver even more than it helps the forgiven. For as long as a person holds a resentment or a grudge against another person, the person with the resentment suffers much more than the person who is the resented one.

This is a strange paradox. We are angry at a person, so we punish them by staying angry, being resentful, perhaps even hating that person. Who are we really hurting with our vengeful anger? Whose jaw tightens? Whose fists clench? Whose blood boils? Whose mind is obsessed with thoughts of vengeance and retribution ? Who loses sleep nursing their anger? Whose digestion is upset? So, who's really being hurt here? The person you're mad at.....or you?

Where does it get you to continue nursing your old wounds and resentments? It keeps you a prisoner. You have no freedom when you are carrying the burden of angst and resentment.

Until you can forgive others (not forget - just forgive) and let go of your resentments, you cannot find lasting peace and happiness.

Resentment will poison you. Give them up

              "Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting."
                                                                                                     by William Arthur Ward

Is there someone in your life right that you need to forgive right now?

Don't be a prisoner of the past, be a pioneer of the future.

Forgive and let it go!

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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