Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Healing Power Of Love - Check Out This Amazing Book!

                                       "Love and peace of mind do protect us.

                                            They allow us to overcome the problems 

                                                             that life hands us.

                                            They teach us to survive... to live now...

                                            to have courage to confront each day."

                                                             - Bernie S. Siegel

Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. 

The truth is: love heals. Miracles happen to exceptional patients every day - patients who have the courage to love, those who have the courage to participate in and influence their own recovery.

Today I want to tell you about the amazing book...

Love, Medicine & Miracles... written by Bernie S. Siegel 

Bernie Siegel is an American writer and retired pediatric surgeon, who writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process.

Many people, especially cancer patients, grow to believing there is some terrible flaw at the center of their being, a defect they must hide if they are to have any chance for love. Feeling unlovable and condemned to loneliness if their true selves become known, such individuals set up defenses against sharing their innermost feelings with anyone. 

They feel their ability to love shriveling up, which leads to further despair. Because such people feel a profound emptiness inside, they come to see all relationships and transactions in terms of getting something to fill the vaguely understood void within. They give love only on condition that they get something for it, whether comfort, security, praise, or a similar love. 

This "if" love is exhausting and prevents you from expressing your authentic self. It leads to an even deeper sense of emptiness, which keeps the vicious cycle going. I feel that all disease is ultimately related to lack of love, or to love that is only conditional, for the exhaustion and depression of the immune system thus created leads to physical vulnerability. 

I also feel that all healing is related to the ability to give and accept unconditional love.

From the book... Love, Medicine & Miracles

 Karin Glannstam - Life Coach & Author


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