Monday, November 2, 2020

Energy Is The Ultimate Power

                         "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body.

                                  The more efficient your body, the better you feel 

                and the more you will use your talents to produce outstanding results."

                                                                  - Tony Robbins 

What is your energy level on a scale from 1 to 10?

When you are taking a good look at yourself and your life... Be honest... Do you have high energy or do you sit around a lot and don't move your body?

Unfortunately the majority of people have pretty low energy levels. 

Would you date a person with an energy level of 5?

Would you do business with a person with an energy level of  5?

Would you like to be around friends with an energy level of 5?

I believe the answer to all those questions is... NO.

It's time to start measuring your energy. 

Where do you fall on the scale of 1 to 10? 

If you already are at level 10, you can ignore the rest of this BLOG. 

If you are not... Keep on reading.

Energy is the most important ingredient an any relationship. 

Energy is also a habit. And since having high energy is a habit you can increase it or decrease it. 

It's an inside job.

Always remember that you are going to get back the same energy as you put into something.

If you bring low energy into a relationship, that is exactly what you will receive back from the other person. You are responsible for the energy that you bring to any relationship.

Don't expect to attract high level energy from others, if you can barely get off the couch. The majority of people... I would imagine would love to have high energy... But why is it that most people don't have it?

I believe the simple answer to this questions is that it takes effort and willingness to work on increasing your own energy level. Most people want to have a high energy level, but few are willing to do the work required.

How can you increase your energy level?

Here is something really simple... MOVE YOUR BODY.

How are you showing up in the world? As a 2, 5, 8 or a 10?


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