Monday, September 7, 2020

Has The "HOW" Killed Your Dream?

                                 "The only impossible journey is the one you never begin."

                                                               - Tony Robbins 

I know that most of you have a dream or a vision that you like to accomplish. I know I do.

We get excited about something that we want to do. 

Maybe it's a business of your own? Maybe you want to move to another city or country? Maybe you want to find the perfect life partner? Maybe you want to create a healthier lifestyle where you have a lot more energy? Maybe you want to become a better parent? Or a better spouse or life partner?

Whatever it is.....we get excited, start thinking about it daily and then we finally decide that we are going to go for it.

But then we ask ourselves HOW? How am I going to be able to accomplish this big goal?

HOW do I do it.....what is my strategy to accomplish this goal or dream?

I don't have the money!

I don't have any idea where to start!

I don't know anyone that can help me!

I am too old/too young to do this!

I don't have any resources!

I don't have the right connections!

I don't have the right education to do this!

I am not enough!

HOW am I going to go from where I am today to where I want to be in the future?

When you start with HOW, or trying to find the strategy first..... you won't do it. You won't pursue your dream. HOW just killed your dream.

Instead start with WHY.  Reasons come first and answers come second.

Success Formula

Know Your Outcome

Get crystal clear on what you want. Only 3% of people have written down goals. What do you want? Where do you want to go? Focus..... look where you want to go. What you will look at, you will hit.

Be committed to accomplishing your dream

Know Your Reasons WHY 

Why do you want what you want? Reasons come first. Your reasons will keep you focused on what you want and they will also pull your forward.....towards your dream. The more reasons you can come up.....the better.

Focus on the outcome and not on HOW you are going to get there.

Take Action

Take massive consistent action. Act every single day. Take action every day even when you don't feel like it.


Notice what you are getting. If you are not checking in you might get of course.

Course Correct

If it's not working. Change your approach but not your goals or your dream. Keep on changing until it works.

Celebrate Your Wins.

Celebrate and praise yourself. Small wins are as important as the big ones.

Laser Beam Focus

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Focus on your dream, where you want to go, all the time and you will get the answers. The strategy might be in front of you.....right now.

Unfortunately the majority of people focus on what they don't want..... and that is usually what they will end up with.


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