Monday, July 11, 2016

Is Your Life at a Standstill?

                                                        "I am not afraid of storms
                                                 for I have learned to sail my ship."
                                                          - Louise May Alcott

Life is like a ship, in a lot of ways.

A ship is not built to stay in the harbor (safety).

It is built to sail and it is also built to handle the storms (adventure).

A ship is equipped for adventure and not to stay still too long.

And so are we.

We are not suppose to stay in the same place our whole entire life.
We are suppose to learn new things and to grow as individuals.
And we are also equipped to handle the storms in our lives.

There are always going to be storms in our lives.
Some storms will be smaller and some will be like giant hurricane and sometimes like tornados.
But we can handle all the storms.
They won´t break us and they won´t kill us.

If you are feeling like you are at a standstill in life...... maybe it is time to look to see if you have spent too much time lately in the safety of the harbor?

Maybe you haven´t sailed your ship in a very long time?

Time to change that. Time to start sailing again.
Get out from the safety in the harbor. Get rid of the anchor that prevents you from sailing and taking action in your own life. Toss the ropes and get going.
Set your own sail and get out there and get some adventure in life.

Remember we only live once.

Decide that today it is time to set a brand new sail.
Just make sure it is your own sail that you are setting.
The one that will take you in the direction that you want to go or sail in life.

You decide where you want to go by setting the right sail for you.

Happy Sailing Everyone!!!

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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