Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to Stay Motivated When You Want to Quit

                                                     "If you are tired of starting over,
                                                                   stop giving up."

Sometimes our goals seem out of reach.
We lose our momentum and our motivation especially if we have been working on a project for a long time.
Maybe we have also become frustrated with our sometimes "slow progress" and we feel like we have nothing to show for our hard work. The project is at a standstill and we want to throw in the towel and quit.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

I know that I have felt like this many times. But I also know that quitting is never going to be an option for me. I have had to regroup several times. Try some new strategies and ways of going about what I am doing.
But never quitting. Never losing sight of my ultimate vision.

Here are a couple of tips for you if you feel like your life and your project is at standstill right now.
How do we stay motivated when we just want to give up and quit the whole project.

Don´t lose sight of the big picture. Why did you start it in the first place? What is all about?
Stop focusing on the daily grind and put your focus back on why you want to do this......the reason you started it. Keep your goal in sight. Always write it down so that you can look at every time you feel unmotivated and want to quit.

Ask for help from a mentor or a coach. Someone that has been down the path that you are trying to walk. They can tell you about the pitfalls....what to look out for and how they stayed motivated on their journey toward their own goal. How they got through the uninspired days....because we all have those days.
We must always prepare for those day. They will always come.

Get inspired by reading some books. Or listen to webinars, seminars.
Attend a live seminar. It´s a great way to get your inspiration back. But if you can´t do that...
there are plenty of great videos on YouTube.

Learn to relax. Maybe start a new hobby.
I always spend time out in nature with my two dogs. It is always a great way to relax and to recharge my batteries. Learning something new can always be exciting. Take up painting, or join a choir, learn a new language or maybe some Salsa lessons to get your mind of the project for a while.

Volunteer is a great way to get your focus off yourself. Helping someone else is a great way to relax and it makes us realize how fortunate most of us are.

Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people.
They can help lift you up.

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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