Friday, April 29, 2016

Can You Entertain New Ideas?

                                  "The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas
                                                       as escaping from old ones"

Can you entertain new ideas?

In order to be able to improve and grow in our lives we must have an open mind.

An open mind will throw away an old belief,  when a better idea comes along.

The vast majority of people seem to drag their past with them as they enter their future. They are dragging the old experiences with them.

When they are confronted with new ideas, they try to figure out if this new idea will fit in their life.
If it doesn´t, they will say that the idea is wrong.

Now what we want to do is to ask ourselves.
Will this new idea improve the quality of my life or will it get me going in the wrong direction?

Do I have an open mind?
Do I want to grow as a person?
Will this new idea improve my life?
Can I entertain a new idea?

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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