Monday, September 17, 2018

How To Stop Running Those Negative Tapes In Your Mind

                             "The subconscious mind is our habits and learned behavior.
                                    The conscious mind is creative and connected to our 
                                                     personal identity and to spirit."
                                                              - Dr. Bruce Lipton

We have about 50-60 thousands thoughts per day. 
Those thought are mostly negative and they are often the same thoughts that we had yesterday, the day before, last week and last year. 

We get stuck in an automatic thinking pattern and a lot of times the thoughts and the beliefs that we have adopted are not even out own. They were given to us by other people but now that are part of who we are and who we have become. 

That is why it is said that you shouldn't believe your own thoughts because they are probably not even your own thoughts. 

They might be thoughts and beliefs that your parents gave you, your siblings, teachers, society, spouses and friends.
Unfortunately we get programmed with a lot of negative thinking patters by our parents. 
They meant well but they didn't know better because they were also given programs by their parents and others.

No wonder that we sometimes wonder why we think, say and do the things that we do, because as it turns out it isn't us, and the way we think. 
It is our programming, given to us by others.

Most of our programming is negative. Almost 75%. And it was given to us before the age of seven. Great start in life!!! 

Did you ever say to yourself when you were younger that you never wanted to ever become like your mom or your dad, and later in life you discovered that you act and speak exactly just like them? 

You might not recognize it yourself, but your friends see it and they tell you. Of course you don't believe them because you swore that you would never become like your dad. But after paying a little more attention to what you say, do and think, you realize that you are just like your dad.

95% of our day is our automatic programming (subconscious mind). It is running the show in our life. And the rest of the day only 5% our conscious mind is in charge.

So 95% of the time old programming or old tapes are running our lives. Programming that has been done basically by others.

What can we do about this?

First we must become aware of our programming. Take an inventory of what tapes we are playing.

If you are constantly telling yourself that you are a loser, that you will never have healthy relationships, be happy in life, be able to make enough money, find the right person to marry, have friends that are supportive..... these recording won't you help accomplish great things on the outside. 
If the inside is running old and negative tapes, the outside will follow. 
The wrong recordings or programming might keep you from shining in life.

People that have said things to you often have their own issues. If you believe what they are saying and doing, their issues now have become, your issues.
Stop believing what certain people say and what that have said. 
Stop planting lies in your mind.

As an adult we can decide what we want to believe is the truth and what isn't. As children up to the age of seven, we didn't. 
We accepted everything as the truth.

Stand guard at the door of our own mind. Only let things in that you believe and think is true. Questions things. Just because a certain person said it was true, doesn't mean that it is true. Decide for yourself.

Instead of running old negative programs, you have to deliberately change that programming to something that will empower you.

Make some declaration that will support you, encourage you and help you succeed in life.

Work on your inner parts. 
Start in the morning. When you get dressed, brush your teeth, put on make-up....add a little inner work to your morning routine. 
Decide on some declarations that you find encouraging and powerful. 
Repeat throughout the day.

Keep on doing this and you will discover that your old programming and those old tapes are changing.

But you can't just do it once in a while. Every day is recommended. 

If you think it's too hard..... just remember how much you run those negative tapes all day long, with no effort. 
Just change out the content of those thoughts. Make them positive instead of negative. 
The effort is the same.

We don't have control over much in our lives, but we do have control over our own thoughts.

Start today and challenge your own thoughts and beliefs.

Awareness is key. 
Pay attention to your thoughts. 
Write some of them down on a piece of paper and then ask yourself.....

Is this my belief? 
Do I really believe this?
Is this my own thought or someone else's thought?


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