Tuesday, April 21, 2015

You are NOT your Thoughts

Did you know that about 50 000 thoughts will pass through our heads per day and that 97 % of those thoughts are the same as yesterday.

Also the majority of those thoughts are negative and our unconscious thoughts shape many of the choices we make that keep us stuck.

Your mind is like a computer. If you tell your mind something, like a computer, it takes it at face value. If deep in your subconscious mind, you keep repeating or hearing negative words, the mind starts to believe them. This is why positive affirmations are so important in our lives.

Words are very powerful. I am sure that at some point in your life you have sad something hurtful to someone. You also know the experience of using your words to make someone feel better.

But what about all those negative things you are telling yourself, about yourself on a daily base, when no one else is listening. Be careful what you tell yourself , because your subconscious mind is  always listening. And if you are saying something long enough your subconscious mind will start to believe it.

So how can we change out negative though into some more positive and empowering ones?

First you have to become aware of your thoughts. Even write them down to understand how negative they are.

Become conscious of how many bad, depressing, stressful and anxiety-producing thought you have.

Replace those thoughts with new empowering thoughts that make you feel better.

Always write it down. When you see it written on a piece of paper you will be amazed at what you will find out.

The goal is simple. No matter where it originated, do not complete a negative sentence in your head about yourself anymore.

Always remember...

You are not your thoughts....You are the observer on your thoughts.

Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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