"Life is a matter of choices,
and every choice you make makes you."
- John C. Maxwell
Everything in our life exists because we first made a choice about something. We end up with the life that is an accumulation of the choices that we have made, throughout our life. Good choices as well as bad choices.
Every choice or decision we make is going to have an effect on our life. Nothing is neutral. Either it leads us in the right direction or the wrong direction of what we want to accomplish and where we want to go.
Our choices can be our best friend..... or our worst enemy.
Our choices can get us on the right path to achieving our goals or it can derail us and put us far away from our desired destination.
Every decision or choice that we make will start a behavior, that eventually will lead to forming a habit.
There are productive and empowering habits that will take us in the right direction. And there is also the opposite. Bad habits will take us down the wrong path and away from our destiny.
Choose poorly and we might find ourselves back where we started many years ago and now we are faced with making even harder choices.
Sometimes we don't choose at all. We decide that deciding is too scary so we simply ignore making a choice or a decision. Do you think that not making a choice or a decision is safe? Think again! If you don't make a choice or a decision and you are passive..... you will probably receive whatever comes your way. Is that what you truly want?
Every decision that you make, no matter how small will alter the direction of your life.
First you make the choices..... than the choices make you.
"Choices are the hinges of destiny."
- Edwin Markham
Don't allow your choices to be unconscious. Become aware of what you are choosing and deciding on a daily basis so you won't end up somewhere you didn't want to go in the first place. Awareness is key so that you can decide on the right choices, behaviors and habits that will empower you and lead you down the path to your destiny.
Today become conscious of your choices and habits.
Ask yourself.....
What am I doing that I didn't consciously decide to do?
Why do I continue to do this?
If something is leading you in the wrong direction, you must push the PAUSE button before you are on your way in the opposite direction of where you want to go.
Make sure that you make decisions and create habits that will support you and lead you in the direction that you have chosen for your life.
Your biggest challenge will be to wake up and start making conscious choices and decisions.
Here is great question for your to ponder on today!
What are the choices that are leading you away from your desired destination?
Examine the choices you have made.
Examine your habits.
Write it all down.
It's all about becoming aware of your choices that you have made in the past. The choices that you are not happy with and that did not lead you in the right direction, so that starting
TODAY you can change, and make better and more empowering choices and decisions for your future.
"Your life changes the moment you make a new,
congruent, and committed decision."
- Tony Robbins
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
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