"The greatest weapon against stress is
our ability to choose one thought over another."
- William James
Nothing is permanent.
Don't stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is.....it will change.
Do you feel like you are a victim of your hurry and worry lifestyle?
Here are a few practices to optimize your mind, spirit and your body.
It only takes one idea to change your life and today I will give several ideas that you can implement to your life to feel better right away.
Change Out Toxic and Dis-Empowering Thoughts.
It all starts with your own thoughts. Whatever your thoughts are your body will follow. Whatever you are thinking you will feel in your body, whether it is true or not. Your mind is very powerful and you have to make sure that you use it the right way.
Unfortunately toxic thoughts are everywhere and we've all got them. My questions to you is.....how much do you believe your own toxic thoughts?
Positive people don't buy into those toxic thoughts instead they turn those negative thoughts into allies.
How do we do this?
First have the courage to identify and describe the toxic belief you have about yourself, another person or a situation. I always recommend to get the thought and belief out of your head and put it on a piece of paper and then confront the belief.
Ask yourself.....is this really the truth?
Now when you have identified the negative thought it's time to re-phrase that thought or belief into a positive phrase or statement instead.
Finally, repeat the newly claimed positive statement or phrase over and over again until you feel it to be true.
It will take some effort but it will work.
Stop Worrying
Worrying is a waste of your precious time. Worrying is stressful and it increases the body's production of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone and we don't want to increase it in the body by worrying excessively.
Instead focus on how to decrease your stress level.
Ask yourself.....what can I do to reduce the stress in my life?
Take all the time and the energy that you used to put into worrying and put it into finding some great exercises that can help you relieve some of the stress.
Overthinking only complicates your life. Think less to limit stress.
Eat Right
There are plenty of food that can stress and inflame your system which will cause your body to bloat, retain fluids and it can also create a variety of allergic reactions.
A few example of foods to limit or completely stay away from. Processed and refined foods, food high in sugar or sodium, caffeine, alcohol.
You might also want to get some blood work done to see what specific foods you might be allergic to in an effort to decrease the inflammatory response that food can have on the immune system.
(I am allergic to gluten and I stay away from it all the time because it will upset my digestive system and cause bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms in my body).
Eat a healthy diet of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, nuts and fish.
Stay away from any food that will leave your body inflamed.
Most of us know that doing some kind of exercise on a daily base is an important component in feeling good and also in shedding unwanted pounds.
One thing that I believe is that you have to find some kind of exercise that you enjoy doing, or it will be difficult for you to maintain the habit.
Find a workout buddy is another way to keep yourself on track. Especially in the beginning when motivation and willpower might be in short supply.
Keep a workout journal to keep yourself on track.
Don't be a "weekend hero" at the gym either. Doing this might be setting yourself up for some kind of physical injury and you end up on the couch recuperating for several weeks.
Stress the body just enough so that the body adapts to higher degrees of performance.
A good night sleep will help your body to regenerate, rebuild and restore.
Develop a good sleep hygiene. Dark and cold bedroom, no electronics, don't exercise right before bedtime and don't eat or drink anything before you go to bed. Stay away from alcohol. It has a tendency to help you feel relaxed and sleepy but in a couple of hours it will wake you up and it will then keep you awake.
Have some kind of sleep routine before you go to be. Examples of this can be.....
A gratitude journal or any kind of journal.
Some kind of mediation that will work for you.( I mediate with my two dogs for 15 minutes right before bedtime. We call it "Snuggle Time" and we all three love it.)
Listen to some calm and relaxing music.
Read a book
Here - come up with your own______________________________
Learn To Say NO
It's OK to say NO to requests for your time.
A lot of people are stressed because they are overextending themselves and they will constantly walk around with a feeling over overwhelm.
You can do it all, but you don't have to do it all. If you identify with this it's time to get to know the power of "NO".
Learn to put yourself first. I know this is hard for many people, especially women that have grown accustoms to putting the family's needs above their own. But we must realize that we are not good to others if we are worn out all the time and out of touch with ourselves, our health, vitality and passion.
Learn to set boundaries when it comes to giving away your time too freely. Yes, I know that it takes courage to start putting your foot down and in the beginning. Some people might get upset with you, especially if you have been a "YES" person for a long time.
But in the end they will respect you for standing up for yourself.
When you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better and you also start to attract better.
Never underestimate the power of a smile.
When you smile it will automatically change the vibration in your body. Smiling will make you feel great. If you haven't used your smile for a while.....it's time to bring it out again and start using it. The more you use it, the better you will feel and other people around will start to respond positively to you. Use your smile often because you can never run out of smiles.
Everyone is equipped with a smile. If you meet someone without a smile, give them one of yours.
Never leave your home without one and don't forget to bring one home with you.
Hugs are great too. A hug is guaranteed to lower you stress level right away and it will give you a warm feeling of wellbeing. It will make you feel like everything will be just fine.
Try some of these easy solutions.
You can implement them right away to curb your stress and melt off excess pounds.