Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Powerful Daily Habits That Will Make You Happy

                                         "Happiness is not something ready made.
                                               It comes from your own actions."
                                                            - Dalai Lama

We will never discover our true greatness and we will never become truly happy until we start taking care of ourselves.

We do so many things for others and we give our time away to others until we don't have any time left for ourselves.

We seldom take time to do the things that we want to do. And any time that you put yourself on the backburner for another day, week, month, year or 5 years the more unhappy you will become.

Is there something that you want to do, you have to start doing it NOW.
Don't put it off. There will never be the perfect time.

Here are a few simple things that you can do on a daily base to make yourself feel happy.

1. Love Yourself
Make caring for yourself the highest priority in your life. Take care of you. Look out for what truly satisfies you. We are taught to not love ourselves, to take care of ourselves and to look out for ourselves.
Become sensitive to your needs, your wants and your desires. Make a conscious effort to make YOU number ONE.
Your peace of mind is more important than your family,  anybody, because if your don't have peace of mind and your health you can't serve anybody.

2. Take Care of Your Health
Taking care of your health is absolutely a must. Without your health you don't have anything. You must have your health and your energy to do anything and everything in life.
Eat a well-balanced diet and make sure that you get plenty of exercise. Be willing to move your body
Create a health plan and start treating you body as a temple.

3. Get Enough Sleep
You can train your body to get less sleep, but you can not train it to need less sleep.
Sleeping around eight hours a night is a must if you are going to be able to live a happy and productive life. Your brain needs this time to go through everything that happened during the day and either store the information and the events or get rid of them.
Make a commitment to keep all electronics out of the bedroom. Especially your cellphone.

4. Read or Listen to Something Inspirational
Take at least 30 minutes per day to read an inspirational book or listen to something that will make you feel happy and empowered. This could be a great thing to do right before you go to bed. It will help you sleep better during the night.

5. Take Time to Do Something You Enjoy
Take some time to nothing. Or turn on some relaxing music, meditate, go for a walk in nature, a nice relaxing bath, dance around your house to some music you love or sing out loud. Take 30-60 minutes and do something that will make you feel good and happy.
Take some time for you.

6. Draw The Line
There are some things in your life that you are not going to accept any longer. Enough is enough.
Learn to use the word "NO". You cannot grow with certain things and people in your life.
If you don't draw the line and allow things to happen in your life that you don't feel good about, then you won't feel good about yourself. Your image of yourself will erode.
You have got to draw the line

7. Stay in Touch with Family and Friends
We have gotten a little lazy lately. We think that a text or an short email is a great way of staying in touch. It's NOT. Make an effort to call someone on the phone. Take some time to actually get together in person. And when you do put your cell phone away and be there. Be 100% present with the person in front of you. There are so many people in this world that are feeling isolated and alone and a simple phone call can make a huge difference in someone's life.
Take some time to connect. You are never too busy to do this

8. Pursue Your Dream
Have you buried your dream? Time to get it out and dust it off.
Don't remain where it is familiar. Get out of your comfort zone.
You the end we will only regret the things that we didn't do in life.
As women we have been groomed to sacrifice our own dreams in favor of our children's dreams, our husbands dreams or the family's dreams. We forget about ourselves. Then we become resentful, angry and bitter.
Never have regrets because they will weigh you down and make you very unhappy.
Go for your dream. It is important!

9. Smile!
If people don't have one.....give them one of yours.


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