Monday, May 23, 2016

Our Habits Control Our Lives

                                                          "To change bad habits,
                                  we must study the habits of successful role models."
                                                             - Jack Canfield

If you want to change things in your life, you must create new habits.

You are responsible for changing. No one can change you....but YOU.

If you are in debt right now and you want to become debt free.... you must apply the habits of a debt free person.

If you want to become healthy and loose some weight..... you must apply the habits of a healthy and slender person.

What do these people do differently. What daily habits do they have. Find out and then apply those habits in your own life.
Read some books. Go on-line and find articles about people that have done what you are trying to accomplish. Find a mentor.
Find out what makes these people successful and then do what they do.
Most of the time it isn´t very complicated.
It is simple to do..... but not easy.

But you must have the will to do it.

First you must want to change and then you must have the will and the discipline to actually do it.

Only you can decide that you want to change and you have to do the actual work yourself.

A lot of us want to change but we don´t want to do the work involved in making the change.

If you blame something "out there".... it will get you off the hook.
Out there is the reason that you can´t change and then you allow yourself to back down.
Get back in your comfort zone and tell yourself that it isn´t really your fault. The fault is out there.

"Out there" can be anything. It can be your parents, your ex-spouse, friends co-workers, your job or your current circumstances.
You are the victim of something "out there."

Stop wishing for something to change in your life.
Stop blaming "something out there" for your current misery.
Instead take charge of your life.
Decide on exactly what you want and then create the daily habits that will take you in that direction. One step at a time.

Little by little a little become a lot.
One new habit can change your life drastically in a couple of months or a year.
Our habits can either make us or break us.

                                        Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach

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