Believe that it is possible for you and that you are worthy of success.
But first you have to ask yourself.....What is my desired outcome or what result am I wanting to accomplish?

With this you focus on your action by keeping the finish line in mind. Focusing with the end in mind will keep you on track and moving forward toward your desired outcome/result.
Your thoughts directly lead to your results.
Understand that your thoughts are going to affect your feelings and emotions, and those feelings and emotions are going to, affect your actions. Those actions will then affect your results.
Recognize that whenever you have a negative thought, you need to immediately push it aside and refocus to a more positive thought.
Believe in your own vision, be courageous and fearless. You must know and decide what you really...really....really want and then relentlessly go for it.
If you don't have this kind of determination and resolution toward your vision/goal, then it will be nearly impossible to reach those goals.
It is important to believe in yourself and your vision and put yourself out there.
This will create a "law of attraction" to yourself, allowing the right people, opportunities and events to line up.
Always ask for what you want and believe that you can have it.
If you never ask.....the answer is always NO.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
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