I create opportunities"
- Bruce Lee
I know I have.
Today I want to share a couple of great tips and hopefully they will help you, when you feel like nothing is working and you feel like you are the victim of your circumstances.
I am a product of my decisions"
If things are not working out right now, always remember "This too shall pass."
Write it down on a little piece of paper and put it somewhere, so you can see it often.
Say it out loud several times per day. Just remember... nothing lasts forever. It won't stay this way forever.
Focus on what is working in your life right now and what you are grateful for. Write it down. Start a gratitude journal if you don't already have one. When you start writing down all the things that you are grateful for it will give you energy to start creating some more things that you are grateful for. It will shift your focus.
Stop talking about your problems. The more energy you give your problems, the bigger they usually become.
Everywhere we go, people are constantly talking about their problems. If it isn't problems at work it is problems at home or with their health or money.
If you do have a problem, try to focus on a couple of solutions to your problem. Write then down. Talk to some of your friends and get some feedback. Maybe they have a solution that you haven't even thought about.
If you don't have any goals, I suggest that you start thinking about creating some.
Goals are great because they make us focus on the future... on what is possible for us.
Remember..."without a vision people will perish"
We should be focusing on our goals and we should be moving forward.
Read inspiring books, listen to webinars and podcasts. Attend seminars. Attend a workshop. Hire a mentor or a lifecoach. Get around positive like-minded people.
Stop focusing on your problems and start focusing on taking action towards your ideal future. Always remember that you present situation is not you final destination. The best is yet to come.