"Watch your actions, they become your habits.
Watch your habits, the become your character."
- Vince Lombardi
We are all constantly changing and our habits are also constantly changing. I don't have the same habits as I had when I was younger or even a year ago. As we get a little smarter and also a little wiser and as we learn new and better things and ways, we hopefully improve our lives by improving our daily habits.
How about you... how have you changed during the past 20 years? 10 year? 5 years or the last year? I bet you have changed and your habits have also changed. Maybe some habits have gotten better and maybe some habits have gotten worse?
As I look back on my life I am amazed at some of the habits I use to have and the things I used to do and the things I ignored that would have been good for me to do. But we all grow as we gain experiences in life and hopefully learn from them. We also learn from other people's experiences as we get to know people or read about others, read the books they have written or listen to them on TV, radio and the internet.
"Your habits will determine your quality of life."
- Dennis Waitley
Today I want to share 5 great habits that have made me both physically and mentally stronger.
1. I watch what I eat. I have eliminated most processed foods in my diet and I also have reduced my sugar intake. These kinds of foods will often leave us feeling sluggish, tired, inflamed, bloated and it will be hard to focus and concentrate when we eat a lot of processed foods and sugars. If something is in a box, I try to avoid it. If I read the labels and I don't understand the ingredients or can't pronounce the ingredients, I try to stay away from it. I have adapted a pure, simple, whole and REAL food diet and it makes me feel so much better both physically and mentally. I didn't always eat like this and I have to admit I love sugar and especially chocolate. I do allow myself something sweet once in a while but not every day.
2. I drink plenty of water. A lot of people are constantly dehydrated. The are not drinking enough water during the day and they also eat food that is dry... like bread, crackers, pasta, pastries and not enough foods that contain water... like vegetables, fruit and berries. Also a lot of people drink soda, coffee, tea and alcohol and that will also make them more dehydrated. Instead pay attention to what you eat. Try to add more fruits and vegetables and make sure you drink enough water during the day. How much water should we drink? I try to drink at least 3 liters per day. It means that I am constantly sipping on water and I also eat a lot of berries, fruit and vegetables on a daily basis and I don't eat much dry foods.
3. I move my body daily. I have always enjoyed an active lifestyle and I try to do some kind of exercise at least for 60 minutes daily. I love to walk and hike and I do yoga and some kind of strength training almost every day. Many years ago I used to go to the gym all the time but in the last 10 years I enjoy spending more time walking and hiking outdoors. I believe me must all find some kind of exercise that we enjoy doing or we won't do it. I used to love going to the gym but I have changed and my exercise habits have changed. Who knows I might be going to the gym again in the future but right now I am very content spending time out in nature walking and hiking.
4. I prioritize sleep. I try to get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night. If I don't get enough sleep I can feel it the next day and I try to correct it the following night. A lot of people don't get enough sleep and it will leave them tired, sluggish and having a hard time concentrating. It's during sleep that our bodies heal and regenerates and most people simply ignore this.
5. I calm my mind. I don't watch TV. I haven't watched TV for the past 15 years. I stay away from mainstream media completely.... all they try to do is to get people angry, worried, fearful and divided. Instead I watch movies and documentaries that I pick. I like to learn and not just sit around just watching whatever is being served up on the TV and the mainstream news. Don't waste time. I pay attention to who I listen to and who I spend time with. I am selective when it comes to the people I give my time to. Once the time is gone we can never get it back, so we must all choose wisely where and with whom we spend our time. I also allow people to be who they are. We are all different and we cannot control others and we don't have the right to control others. We can only control ourselves. So I work on improving myself instead of trying to change and control others. Sometimes we must learn to ignore things and focus on our own dreams and what we want to create and accomplish in our own life.
What are some of your good habits?
What are some good habits that you would like to develop in your own life?
"We first make our habits then our habits make us."
- John Dryden
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