Self - Confidence
The foundation of all great success and achievement
Have you ever wondered where confidence comes from?
It comes from knowing that you will be able to handle things... no mater what!
Have you ever allowed fear to stop you from take a leap of faith and trying something new?
Maybe creating a new dream or vision for your life?
I know I have!
Uncertainty is scary and it usually stops us dead in our tracks from pursuing our dream or vision.
Confidence - is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are.
Have you ever had these kind thoughts?
If I pursue my dream... what will my friends and family think?
Am I good enough to succeed at this?
What about if I fail?
How am I going to pay the bills?
Am I too old/young to make this happen?
What if this happens?
"Confidence doesn't come when you have all the answers.
But it comes when you are ready to face all the questions."
The need for security will keep us stuck in our comfort zones and it will slowly suck the life out of our souls. We are so worried about changing our lives, so afraid of the unknown that we often will miss out on great opportunities to better our lives.
Fear comes from not knowing if we will be able to handle things.
A lot of times we feel like security comes from having material things.
We are spending so much time making money so that we can acquire material things... when we instead should focus on our ability to handle things.
"The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do."
- Unknown
Invest in yourself. Work your confidence muscle. The bigger your confidence muscle gets the more secure you will feel that you will be able to handle anything that life throws at you.
Be courageous... take the leap of faith... and start building that confidence muscle.
It probably needs a workout!
It probably needs a workout!
"Avoid negative people at all costs.
They are the greatest destroyers of self-confidence and self-esteem."
- Brian Tracy
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