Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs:
the future can be better than the present,
and I have the power to make it so.
The source of personal power starts with YOU.
When you are in better shape physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually you are more capable of negotiating more effectively. You make better decisions. Your creativity flows. You are a better manager when it comes to people around you. Your relationships improve.Changing yourself is the first step in changing your relationships - both at work and your intimate relationships.
It starts with YOU.
Taking action is a way of building more personal power in your life.
Any muscle that you don't exercise on a daily basis will eventually get weaker. Same thing with taking action... it is also a muscle. Have you used it lately?
The way to build a muscle is to start small and then build daily.
Today I have a very simple exercise that you can do to immediately increase the quality of your life. You will feel good and your self-esteem will soar... because you actually followed through.
Right now think of two actions that you have been putting off for a while.
Two things that you should do. Two things you need to do but you are constantly putting them off.
Maybe it's making a phone call or two
Starting a blog
Quit smoking or drinking
Saying NO
Re-connect with a friend or family-member
Losing weight
Limit certain foods in your diet
Asking for a raise
Change job
Saving money
Pick two actions that would immediately change the quality of your life.
What are those two action?
Decide and commit to follow through. This is it!!!
There is tremendous power in making a decision and then immediately follow through on your decision.
You can start with something small - then build.
- Write down the two decisions that you made.
- Take action on them immediately - RIGHT NOW!
Don't put it off another minute. Do whatever it takes. There is power in momentum. Don't wait or delay.
Decision - Commitment to follow through - This will create PERSONAL POWER.
Go For It!!!
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
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