Monday, September 6, 2021

Sometimes You Have To Start Over


                                                   "No matter how hard the past,
                                                    you can always begin again."
                                                                   - Buddha

Difficult times happens to everyone. 
It doesn´t matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, man or woman... things do happen in our lives.
Things you didn´t expect to happen.

We can not avoid or control these storms or setbacks in our lives.
But what we can control is how we respond to them.

Are you going to allow yourself to stay in bed for several months after a setback?
Are you going to blame someone else for your situation?
Are going to continue to focus on what used to be?

Or are you going to pull yourself together and start again?
One small action at a time?

Unfortunately a lot of people won´t start something because they don´t know how it is going to work out. 
They don´t have all the answers.
Of course you won´t have all the answers right away. You can learn as you go.
Just make sure that you start.

                                            "Starting all over again is not bad...    
                                                      because when you restart,
                                      you get another chance to make things right."
                                                                - Unknown

One great key to quickly recover from a setback is to have something to go for right a way.
Don´t let if affect you for a year or longer. 
Put something together right away. 
It might not be the total answer, but you must start walking.

Have something new to focus on.
You can continue to focus on what isn´t working and what you have lost.
If you continue to do this you will eventually feel stuck in a negative pattern.

Or you can shift your focus onto what is possible for you.

Start by asking a few empowering questions.

What do I need to learn from this setback?
What is it here to tell me?
How can I avoid this in the future?
What small action step can I take... starting today that will change my situation?

Learn from the lesson but make sure that you start taking some steps forward as quickly as possible.

Start walking from your desperate situation into a more empowering mode.
Start changing your philosophy and start to focus on what else you can do to make the situation change.

Start where you are.
Learn as you go.
Continue to take action.


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