Monday, September 27, 2021

Don't Let Your Past Stop You From Living Your Future


                        "If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present."
                                                        - John Maxwell

Do you know someone that is living and always talking about their past?

I do! 

                                        "Let go, forget the burdens of the past.  
                                           The past can't be changed anyway."

A lot of people get stuck in their past and they refuse to move forward in life.

You learn from your past but you shouldn´t continue to live there.

Your past is important because it has brought you to where you are today. 

But as important as your past is as it relates to your present, it isn´t nearly as important as the way you see your future.

                              "The less anger towards the past you carry in your heart, 
                                     the more capable you are of loving in the present."

The way you see your future determines your thinking today.

Your thinking today determines your actions today.

And your actions today determines your future. 

                                               "Don't judge yourself by your past. 
                                                   You don't live there anymore."

Do you know that you are where you are today because what has gone into your mind?

You can change right now by what is going into your mind.

What are you thinking about when it comes to your future?  

Is there hope and faith in your future? 

                                    "Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."


Monday, September 20, 2021

Stop Giving Away Your Power

                                                "When you blame others, 
                                       you give up your power to change."
                                                 - Dr. Robert Anthony

What is the #1 thing holding you back from achieving your goal?

- An unsupportive spouse
- The economy
- Your health
- A lack of time
- A lack of resources
- A lack of skills or knowledge

Wrong... You Are!

                       "Blaming others takes time and energy away from improving yourself."

Almost 100% of the time we are our own worst enemy.

But you have the power to change that!

That means giving up... 

- All your excuses
- All your victim stories
- All the reasons why you can't
- Blaming outside circumstances

                                                   "The day you stop blaming others 
                                    is the day you begin to discover who you truly are."

You have to take 100% responsibility for your life in order to be able to change it.

The sooner you stop wasting your energy on blaming other people and events for your circumstances the faster you will be able to reclaim your life.

Blame is a very hard thing to let go of. But you also have to understand how much of your own power you are giving to the people and the events you are blaming.

You are letting them prevent you from moving forward in life.

So who or what do you need to stop blaming today so you can move on to truly crate the life that you truly want?

                                        "The only keeper of your happiness is you.
                                     Stop giving people power to control your smile,
                                                   your worth and your attitude."
                                                              - Mandy Hale 

Be Your Full Power!



Monday, September 13, 2021

Only I Can Change My Life


                                    Your life changes the moment you make a congruent,
                                                        and committed decision."
                                                             - Anthony Robbins

We never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something we must build a new model that will make the existing model obsolete.

In other words... stop focusing on what isn't working or what you can't do and start focusing on what is working and start to create some new ideas on what you want.

Do you believe that you can do what you are trying to do?
(It doesn´t matter if it´s loosing weight, getting out of debt, attracting healthier relationships or making more money).
Most people are not there. They are mostly operating on hope and wish.

We must get to belief.
We must believe that we can do or accomplish what we are trying to do.
When we believe we are ready.

Our belief system is based on valuation of something.
Sometimes we must re-evaluate something and then our belief system will change.


Make up your mind that you are really going to do, what you are going to do.

Activate an image in your mind.

Decision will activate ideas and information right away. Ideas will start to flow into your consciousness.

Without a decision nothing will happen.

Make a decision. I am really going to do it! You don't need to know how. 

If you see yourself "on top of the mountain" you will get to the top of the mountain.

You must live the part that you want to be.

Create a picture of yourself and then live it.

Don't allow anyone else's opinion sidetrack you.

                                       "Life gets better by change... not chance".
                                                                   - Jim Rohn

Stop asking other people what you should do
We are in a habit of asking other people.
When we ask other people what they think we should do - we are asking for approval.
We don't have enough confidence inside to know what we should do.

Let's start with what we know.
It's our life and nobody else's
No one can decide for us and no one can do it for us.

People that are getting results in their lives - are ordinary people.
They are just doing things differently.


Monday, September 6, 2021

Sometimes You Have To Start Over


                                                   "No matter how hard the past,
                                                    you can always begin again."
                                                                   - Buddha

Difficult times happens to everyone. 
It doesn´t matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, man or woman... things do happen in our lives.
Things you didn´t expect to happen.

We can not avoid or control these storms or setbacks in our lives.
But what we can control is how we respond to them.

Are you going to allow yourself to stay in bed for several months after a setback?
Are you going to blame someone else for your situation?
Are going to continue to focus on what used to be?

Or are you going to pull yourself together and start again?
One small action at a time?

Unfortunately a lot of people won´t start something because they don´t know how it is going to work out. 
They don´t have all the answers.
Of course you won´t have all the answers right away. You can learn as you go.
Just make sure that you start.

                                            "Starting all over again is not bad...    
                                                      because when you restart,
                                      you get another chance to make things right."
                                                                - Unknown

One great key to quickly recover from a setback is to have something to go for right a way.
Don´t let if affect you for a year or longer. 
Put something together right away. 
It might not be the total answer, but you must start walking.

Have something new to focus on.
You can continue to focus on what isn´t working and what you have lost.
If you continue to do this you will eventually feel stuck in a negative pattern.

Or you can shift your focus onto what is possible for you.

Start by asking a few empowering questions.

What do I need to learn from this setback?
What is it here to tell me?
How can I avoid this in the future?
What small action step can I take... starting today that will change my situation?

Learn from the lesson but make sure that you start taking some steps forward as quickly as possible.

Start walking from your desperate situation into a more empowering mode.
Start changing your philosophy and start to focus on what else you can do to make the situation change.

Start where you are.
Learn as you go.
Continue to take action.