Monday, August 24, 2020

Will You?

                                                    You can't just hope for happy endings.

                                 You have to believe in them, then do the work and take risks.

A lot of people want some kind of change to happen in their life. They wish for it and they really really really want it. 

They invest time and money into it, but they are ultimately not willing to get uncomfortable enough to make any kind of change happen in their life. In other words....they don't want it as badly as they think they do.

Did you know that only 5 % of all people who sign up for classes and seminars, online or live, actually do anything with it? A lot of people won't even complete the course, especially if it's online. This even includes very expensive courses and seminars.

                                  Pursuing your dreams elevates your soul to do great things

Have you spent countless years talking the talk? Knowing all the shoulds, coulds and woulds? Have you attended all the classes and seminars and read all the self help books....or should we say shelf help books? 

Have you ever done anything with all the information, wisdom and strategies that you learned in the books and during all the countless seminars and courses that you attended? If the answer is NO....why haven't you?

People who are successful at something are used to feeling and getting uncomfortable on a daily basis. Fear and feeling uncomfortable is very much like a muscle. The more you use it....the stronger it gets. But if you pull back, lean back into your comfort zone every time you starting to feel uncomfortable, not only will your muscles get flabby but you will stagnate and eventually settle for a life that is way below of what you are capable of living.

                                                   "The more you seek the uncomfortable, 

                                                        the more you will get comfortable."

                                                                 - Conor McGregor

If you fear MUST do it!

You have to make a habit of doing things..... feeling uncomfortable and sometimes even fearful. 

If  you want to continue to be successful at what you are doing you must learn to do theses things all the time......feeling uncomfortable or not. 

That is how you grow a muscle....with repetition. It doesn't matter if it's a physical muscle or an inner muscle. They require practice and constant work to grow. 

You have to use it or you will lose it.

If you want to be successful you must keep moving, keep growing, keep evolving and you must keep pushing through obstacles.

When you arrive at a new level you must learn something new and that means you have to get uncomfortable again. 

Also at this new level you will be facing new challenges that you have never faced before.

New devils.

                                        "Whatever makes you uncomfortable 

                                       is your biggest opportunity for growth."

                                                      - Bryant McGill

Be willing to keep pushing through new challenges instead of shrinking back and returning to your comfort zone. 

Life is either moving forward and grow or..... shrinking back and die.


                                              Karin Glannstam Life Coach & Author


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