Monday, August 31, 2020

Crisis Can Be An Opportunity


In life things are going to go wrong.

We will all have to deal with a constant wave of problems and occasional setbacks and crisis.

If you have lost your health, job, home, money, relationship or death of a loved one.....what can you do to pull yourself through?

What do you do when your life falls apart and everything has become total uncertainty?

What do you do to turn things around?

In 2012 my own life totally imploded and I was faced with a very tough situation. 

First my mom died in the end of 2011. Three months later I walked away from a highly toxic and abusive relationship and within a few days I left the US where I had lived for 25 years to return to Sweden where I was born. I had nothing left of my old life except for my 2 dogs and some clothes and some personal belongings

First I was depressed and overwhelmed and I didn´t know what to do.
I really didn´t think that there was anything that I could do to change my situation.
My life had become total uncertainty.

I asked myself...... 

What can I do to turn things around? 

What can I do to change my situation?

Can I change myself?

How am I going to pull myself through this?

Crisis can be opportunity. Crisis can call us to grow and think differently. Crisis can call us to create, start something new and become resourceful. Crisis can call us to think differently, solve problems we never solved before, take action instead of sitting and hoping. 

I know that many of you are facing a to tough situation right now.... very similar to the situation that I was facing in 2012. I know that it feels absolutely awful, hopeless and scary. I have been there and believe me for many months I didn't even know where to begin to put my life back together. I was completely stuck and scared. But I also knew at the same time that I could not remain where I was and I had to do something. 

What was the biggest elements that made a big difference in my life and helped me turn around a big crisis into a at comeback?

I did many things but on Wednesday I will share with you the 5 most important things that I did to be able to take myself to next level during a very difficult time in my life.

Join me on Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 at 10 am CT for a 2 hour workshop via Zoom.

During our time together I will share with you and guide you through an amazing strategy that got me unstuck and back on track after my own life completely fell apart in 2012. Actually I believe that this strategy saved my life.

Not only will I share this amazing lifesaving strategy I will also give you more amazing tools on how to remain on track and keep your energy high so that you can become a creator of your life instead of having to settle for the way things are.

The cost for this workshop is ONLY $25   (Payments are via PayPal)

There are 20 spots available so sign up TODAY..... to reserve your spot.

Last day to sign up is Tuesday Sept. 1st, 2020

To sign up send me an email and say..... I Am In!

If you have any questions feel free to send an email.

Will you join me?

Your Cheerleader,

Karin Glannstam


                                            Karin Glannstam -  Life Coach & Author 


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Never Give Up - Workshop Via Zoom

In life things are going to go wrong.
But what do you do when your life falls apart and everything has become total uncertainty?
What do you do to turn things around?

In 2012 my whole life imploded. There wasn't much left of my old life and I found myself stuck in uncertainty for several months. It wasn't a great feeling when the future that I had planned all of a sudden was completely gone and there wasn't anything I could do to get it back. I was stuck and I had no idea on how to move on with the rest of my life.

I know that many of you are finding yourself feeling stuck right and and wondering how you got there. I also know a lot of you are thinking that there must be more to life, but you don't really know how to access it.

Join me on Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 at 10 am CT for a 2 hour workshop via Zoom.

During our time together I will share with you and guide you through an amazing strategy that got me unstuck and back on track after my own life completely fell apart in 2012.
Not only will I share this amazing lifesaving strategy I will also give you more amazing tools on how to remain on track and keep your energy high so that you can become a creator of your life instead of having to settle for the way things are.

The cost for this workshop is ONLY $25
There are 20 spots available so sign up TODAY..... to reserve your spot.
Last day to sign up is Tuesday Sept. 1st, 2020

To sign up send me an email and say..... I Am In!

If you have any questions feel free to send an email.

Will you join me?
Your Cheerleader,

Karin Glannstam

                                           Karin Glannstam - Life Coach & Author

Monday, August 24, 2020

Will You?

                                                    You can't just hope for happy endings.

                                 You have to believe in them, then do the work and take risks.

A lot of people want some kind of change to happen in their life. They wish for it and they really really really want it. 

They invest time and money into it, but they are ultimately not willing to get uncomfortable enough to make any kind of change happen in their life. In other words....they don't want it as badly as they think they do.

Did you know that only 5 % of all people who sign up for classes and seminars, online or live, actually do anything with it? A lot of people won't even complete the course, especially if it's online. This even includes very expensive courses and seminars.

                                  Pursuing your dreams elevates your soul to do great things

Have you spent countless years talking the talk? Knowing all the shoulds, coulds and woulds? Have you attended all the classes and seminars and read all the self help books....or should we say shelf help books? 

Have you ever done anything with all the information, wisdom and strategies that you learned in the books and during all the countless seminars and courses that you attended? If the answer is NO....why haven't you?

People who are successful at something are used to feeling and getting uncomfortable on a daily basis. Fear and feeling uncomfortable is very much like a muscle. The more you use it....the stronger it gets. But if you pull back, lean back into your comfort zone every time you starting to feel uncomfortable, not only will your muscles get flabby but you will stagnate and eventually settle for a life that is way below of what you are capable of living.

                                                   "The more you seek the uncomfortable, 

                                                        the more you will get comfortable."

                                                                 - Conor McGregor

If you fear MUST do it!

You have to make a habit of doing things..... feeling uncomfortable and sometimes even fearful. 

If  you want to continue to be successful at what you are doing you must learn to do theses things all the time......feeling uncomfortable or not. 

That is how you grow a muscle....with repetition. It doesn't matter if it's a physical muscle or an inner muscle. They require practice and constant work to grow. 

You have to use it or you will lose it.

If you want to be successful you must keep moving, keep growing, keep evolving and you must keep pushing through obstacles.

When you arrive at a new level you must learn something new and that means you have to get uncomfortable again. 

Also at this new level you will be facing new challenges that you have never faced before.

New devils.

                                        "Whatever makes you uncomfortable 

                                       is your biggest opportunity for growth."

                                                      - Bryant McGill

Be willing to keep pushing through new challenges instead of shrinking back and returning to your comfort zone. 

Life is either moving forward and grow or..... shrinking back and die.


                                              Karin Glannstam Life Coach & Author


Monday, August 17, 2020

It's Time To Re-Write Your Old Story

                                                     When writing the story of your life.....

                                                      Don't let anyone else hold the pen!

Have you told your old, sad and disempowering for many years....maybe even decades? 

Can you even remember when you first starting telling it? 

Maybe you were in your teens or twenties? 

That is a long time to tell the same old story.

What story am I talking about?

The one where you are not worthy of living your dream and with all the reasons attached to it, explaining why you can't live it. 

Reasons like that you are not good enough, too old, too fat, you are a woman/man, nobody will ever support you, you don't have what it takes, you don't have enough education, not enough money, not enough experience and you don't have the right people in your life that will help you.

We get so used to and we also identify with our old stories that we often sound like an old broken record.

Is this story or stories helping you create the live that you truly desire and dream of?

Become aware of what your old stories are. I call them stories because that is what they are.....only stories. They are not the truth and these stores can be re-written any time.

You are the author of your life, not your parents, grandparents, siblings teachers, friends, spouse or society.

The sooner you recognize that these stories are not the truth of who you are, the sooner you can begin writing the empowering story of who you are. 

You deserve to live a more authentic and awesome life, but in order to do this you must let go of the old story that is preventing you from moving forward right now.

But before you can let go of your stories, you must get clear on what they are. 

Start by listening to what you say and what you think about, and then it's time to start busting apart your old story.

What are your self-sabotaging stories?

Isn't is time to let go of the old story and re-write one that describes who you truly are?

Happy Writing Everyone!!!

                                                Karin Glannstam - Life Coach & Author


Monday, August 10, 2020

Let's Get Back On Track


What do you do when your life falls apart and everything becomes total uncertainty?

What do you do to turn things around?

Did you know that people are a lot like trains. A train isn't going anywhere if it is off its track.

Same thing with people. If we are off track in our lives we will have problems moving forward and enjoying our journey.

Since we have no track to run on, we will find ourselves getting stuck.

I know many of you are finding yourself feeling off track and stuck right now and you probably wondering how you got there.

Many of you are probably thinking that there must be more to life, but you don't really know how to access it.

Believe me, I have been there and I want to let you know that there is a way to get unstuck, back on track and find what you are looking for.

In 2012 my own life totally imploded and I was faced with a very tough situation.
First I was depressed and overwhelmed and I didn´t know what to do.

I really didn't think there was anything that I could do to change my situation.
My life had become total uncertainty.

It is easy to get off track in life when we don't have a well thought out plan.

Most of us are so busy with our lives and unfortunately we spend more time on planning our vacations than we do our lives.

But the good thing is that you can change the direction of your life at anytime. You just have to decide that you want to live a better life in the future. A life that you have designed yourself.

I have created a brand new eight week BounceBack course & challenge, to share strategies, tools, steps and secrets, you need to get back on track and help you become the “STAR” of your own movie.

Live training every Thursday for 90 minutes will start on August the 20th - October 8th, at 7pm Central Time.
All training will be online via Zoom.

The price for the BounceBack course & challenge is only $249 if you register before Aug 15. 
After Aug 15, the price goes up to $299.
This is going to be a small group of only10 people.

Don't miss out on this experience of challenging yourself to become the best version of yourself and create the life that you were meant to live.

Registration ends on August 17th at midnight.

Our first coaching session of the BounceBack course & challenge will start on August the 20th at 7 pm Central Time.
Will you join us?

Secure you place in the BounceBack course & challenge by sending me an email:

Join me for a live Q & A session via Zoom on Thursday Aug. 13, 9am CST. 
During this live session you can ask me any questions you have about the BounceBack course and challenge.
To get the link to this call, please send me a an email and I will send you the link.

Talk Soon!

Your Partner In Transformation,

                                                Karin Glannstam - Life Coach & Author

Monday, August 3, 2020

BounceBack Course & Challenge

                                     Course & Challenge

I know many of you are finding yourself feeling stuck right now and you probably wondered how you got there.
Many of you are probably thinking that there must be more to life, but you don't really know how to access it.

Believe me, I have been there and I want to let you know that there is a way to get unstuck, back on track and find what you are looking for.

But first you must move beyond thinking that it can't happen for you. You must know the tools and strategies on how to do it and what also stands in the way.

I have created a brand new eight week BounceBack course & challenge, to share strategies, tools, steps and secrets, you need to get back on track and help you become the “STAR” of your own movie.

Live training every Thursday for 90 minutes will start on August the 20th - October 8th, at 7pm Central Time.
All training will be online via Zoom.

The price for the BounceBack course & challenge is only $249 if you register before Aug 15. 
After Aug 14, the price goes up to $299.
This is going to be a small group of only10 people.

Don't miss out on this experience of challenging yourself to become the best version of yourself and create the life that you were meant to live.

Registration ends on August 17th at midnight.

Our first coaching session of the BounceBack course & challenge will start on August the 20th at 7 pm Central Time.
Will you join us?

Secure you place in the BounceBack course & challenge by sending me an email:

Join me for a live Q & A session via Zoom on Thursday Aug. 13, 9am CST. 
During this live session you can ask me any questions you have about the BounceBack course and challenge.
To get the link to this call, please send me a an email and I will send you the link.

Talk Soon!

Your Partner In Transformation,
Karin Glannstam

                                                Karin Glannstam  - Life Coach & Author