Monday, July 30, 2018

If You Stay Stuck In The Past, No One Will Stay There With You

                                             "If you keep telling the same sad, small story,
                                              you will keep living the same sad, small life."

We all have stories to tell.
But sometimes we get stuck on telling the same story over and over and over again.

It really doesn't matter what happens to you.
What matters is, what are you going to do about it?
What are you going to do NOW?

How long are you going to tell everybody at the bus stop, at work, in the line at the grocery store, at parties, at family gatherings or to anyone that would stand still and listen to you?

How long are you going to repeat the same story? How many times do we have to hear it?

Don't go around telling everybody your story.
80% don't care and 20% are glad that it's you and not them.

We to a great extent behave, think, react because of some previous experience we have had.

A close friend of mine allowed his tragedy to destroy him. His own mother wasn't there for him when he was a child and he said that his mother had made him so miserable and that he was going to pay her back. Now he took this attitude to other relationships. Especially relationships with women, looking for something to go wrong. He had gotten so burned by his own mother that he didn't want to risk pain again. When the relationship became too close, he would do something to make sure that the relationship did not work. He would always try to find something wrong with the other person. 
Since no one is perfect it won't be hard to find faults with another person.
What was going on here? 
He was stuck on revenge.

Another friend of mine realized that her husband didn't love her as much as she loved him. He left her for another woman. She got a divorce but even when she got married again she kept on telling her story. Every time I came over to her house she kept on repeating the same story of how her ex-husband cheated on her and left her for another woman. She kept telling her story about how her ex mistreated her. How long do you think her second marriage lasted? Not very long.
What was going on here? 
She was stuck in anger.

I once had a neighbor. She had gotten some illness some years back, but when I talked to her it sounded like she was still in the middle of it. Every time I ran into her she would tell me the same story over and over again. She would tell me all the reason why she couldn't do anything and how this illness totally had destroyed her life. The only thing she could do today was sleep late, sit around her house all day watching TV and spend her evenings gossiping on the phone.
What was going on here?
She was stuck in self-pity.

Let your old disempowering and sad story go.
Don't allow some tragedy that happen in the past to control your today and your future.

All of us have experienced some kind of tragedy, and if we haven't, we will.
You can either let the tragedy destroy your life or you can build upon it.

You can allow the tragedy to hold you down or you can decide that you will get out of this rut and stop repeating your sad story today.


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