Monday, January 30, 2023

Nothing Happens Until You Make A Decision

        "Making a true decision means committing yourself to achieving a result,
                           and then cutting yourself off from any other possibility."
                                                                  - Tony Robbins

When was the last time that you made a true decision?

The word decision comes from Latin and it literally means to "cut off"

So what does that really mean? 

"True grit is making a decision and standing by it,
 doing what you must do." 
- John Wayne

When you make a true decision to you actually cut off any other possibilities. You literally cut yourself off from other way of thinking and acting that doesn't align with whatever it is you want to achieve. You stop procrastinating and get off the fence.

"A wise man makes his own decisions,
an ignorant man follows public opinion."
- Chinese Proverb

If you are not in it 100% or with both feet... and you are second guessing yourself and you are looking back.
You haven't made a true decision yet.

What decision have you been putting off making lately?

Are you scared of making a true decision?

What are you afraid of... what is truly stopping you from getting off the fence and taking action on your dream and your goals?

Fear of some kind? 

"It's not hard to make decisions 
when you know what your true values are.
- Roy Disney

Here is something to keep in mind. 
Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings.


Monday, January 23, 2023

Beginners Are Many, But Finishers Few

                                                 "Stick to a task until it sticks to you. 

                                         For beginners are many, but finishers few."

                                                                - Thomas S. Monson

Be like a postage stamp... stick to one thing until you get there!

Most people fail because they quit too soon. Make a plan and commit to see it through... 
No Matter What!

Are you like most people... you start something and then you quit?


"We can do anything we want to if we stick with it long enough."
- Helen Keller

I have found that a lot of people want to change something in there life. 
They get excited about their new goal(s) and they make a few plans and then they start... only to quit a few weeks or months later.

Most of the time people quit way to soon or they quit just before they succeed.

Often I see people try something new and if it doesn't work in a few weeks,  they will jump over to the next popular thing and when is doesn't work, they try something else. After doing this a couple of times, without being successful at accomplishing what they decided to do... they quit.

Diets are a great example of this. 
A brand new fad dies shows up and a lot of people try it. After a few weeks when they see no results they declare that it wasn't a good diet and they try another diet... and another and yet another. 

Here is the truth... is if they only would have stayed with one and concentrated on that one... persevered and hung in long enough... they would have been successful. 

"If you are not willing to commit to work and resolve, 
your possibilities will never become realities." 
- Tim Fargo

My suggestion is to concentrate on one thing (don't jump around).
Be consistent.
Be patient.
Persevere a little longer and you will win.

If you are tired of starting over, STOP giving up.


Monday, January 16, 2023

You Are Only Confined By The Walls You Build Yourself

                                               "To move to a new level in your life, 
                                      you must break through your comfort zone 
                                         and do things that are not comfortable."
                                                                - T. Harv Eker


People have a tendency to always think that if they have to change something in their life, it is going to get worse than what they already have.

This is one big reason that we remain where we are. We know what we have and we often don't believe that we will get something better, if we change or try something new.

This is why a lot of people will remain in dysfunctional relationships that they have outgrown years ago. Or they stay at job that bores them to death and won't allow them to grow or learn something new. Also people don't dare to move to another city because they are afraid of leaving the safety of friends and family behind. Eventually they will get stuck in their comfort zone.

If we continue like this our comfort zone will shrink and shrink until we will feel like we are wearing chains or maybe feeling like a caged bird. I believe that a lot of people actually would like to change and to do something more challenging, if they could see what the future will hold for them. But that is not possible. We have to take a leap of faith and not allow fear of the unknown to stop us.

We settle where we are and later in life we will have to deal with regrets for not trying. Often people will become angry and bitter for letting life just slip on by without doing anything about it.

Dare to venture out of your comfort zone. Start by doing something that scares you and that you haven't done before.

One small little step today and then the next day and the next day... will eventually lead to big changes, excitement and wonderful growth. But you must take the first step and also be willing to feel uncomfortable for a while until you learn and and grow.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.