"Guilt is to the spirit,
what pain is to the body."
- Elder David A. Bednar
Do you have a tendency to feel guilty over a lot of things that you have done or didn't do?
If you do, you are not alone.
Many people are walking around with huge feelings of guilt.
Guilt is a very destructive emotion.
Unfortunately a lot of people were raised with a lot of guilt, and they are having a hard time letting go of it.
Anything little that some people do, and that they don't think or feel is right, they create huge guilt over it.
How do we learn to deal with guilt?
We learn to forgive ourselves. We can't change what we did so why walking around feeling guilty over it. If we would have known better back then, we would have done better. We learned and now we know, and in the future we will do better. Forgive and then let it go.
Forgiving is a very healthy concept. We must learn to forgive ourselves. What we did yesterday we cannot change. But we can learn from it, let it go and move on.
If someone has done something to us, we mustn't hold a grudge or resent them, let it go. It doesn't mean that we will allow this person to do the same thing to us again. We simply have to move away from the person or the situation and then let it go.
It's time to let go of thoughts that are negative and not moving us in the direction that we want to go. These thoughts are holding us down, slowing us down and they are preventing us from moving in a more positive direction with our own life.
Wrong thinking won't lead us to a happy and joyful place. We must learn to let it go.
No amount of guilt can change the past
and no amount of worry can change the future.
Stop feeling guilty and set yourself free.
No one can cause us to think something that we don't want to think. We have complete control over our own thoughts and our mind.
We must learn to forgive ourselves and forgive others.
How about starting to love ourselves instead?
It's time to respect of ourselves.
We must have a healthy respect of ourselves and what we are capable of creating and doing.
Carrying bad thoughts of anyone and anything is not doing anyone any good.
Forgiveness will allow things to grow in our life and it will cause us to have more energy, be happier and healthier.