"If you continuously compete with others, you become bitter,
but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become better."
There is no race.....there is only a runner.
You are the runner.
You should run as hard and as fast as you can.
But ignore the other people on the course, because they are using a different clock, a different distance, a different race.
Stay in your own race.
Be happy with the life you have chosen for yourself, and live it fully.
Leave others to theirs.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
Don´t Allow Your Past To Destroy Your Future
"After a while you must let go of what lies behind you and press forward.
If you don´t, the past will destroy your future."
- Joyce Meyer
Last week I heard a powerful story told by Wayne Dyer.
And today I want to share this story with you.
It is called "The Wake."
Think of your life as a boat and it is heading up the river at 40 knots. And as it is going you are metaphorically standing at the stern, the back of the boat and you are looking down in the water and there goes your life in this direction and you are standing here looking down at the water and you ask yourself these three questions.
Question number one.
What is the wake? What is this thing that you see?
And the answer is........ The wake is the trail that is left behind.
That is what it is. Nothing more and nothing less.
Question number two.
What is driving the boat? What is making this thing go in this direction?
And the answer is........The present moment energy that is being generated by the engine.
And nothing more.
That is the only thing that is making the boat go in this direction.
And in the scene, it means that it is the present moment thoughts, that I have and how I am using them that is making my life go in this direction, and nothing more.
Bu the third question is the most powerful question.
Is it possible for the wake to drive the boat? Can a trail that is left behind make a boat go in this direction?
And of course the answer is....NO, it can´t.
It is just a trail that is left behind.
And in that trail there are an enormous number of things that everyone of us have as a wake, and we have a whole lot of stuff in it.
And one of the problems that we have....... is that we have a tendency to look at the wake and all of the stuff that is in it, to explain .......
Why it is that my life isn´t working out the way I would like it to work.
If you don´t, the past will destroy your future."
- Joyce Meyer
Last week I heard a powerful story told by Wayne Dyer.
And today I want to share this story with you.
It is called "The Wake."
Think of your life as a boat and it is heading up the river at 40 knots. And as it is going you are metaphorically standing at the stern, the back of the boat and you are looking down in the water and there goes your life in this direction and you are standing here looking down at the water and you ask yourself these three questions.
Question number one.
What is the wake? What is this thing that you see?
And the answer is........ The wake is the trail that is left behind.
That is what it is. Nothing more and nothing less.
Question number two.
What is driving the boat? What is making this thing go in this direction?
And the answer is........The present moment energy that is being generated by the engine.
And nothing more.
That is the only thing that is making the boat go in this direction.
And in the scene, it means that it is the present moment thoughts, that I have and how I am using them that is making my life go in this direction, and nothing more.
Bu the third question is the most powerful question.
Is it possible for the wake to drive the boat? Can a trail that is left behind make a boat go in this direction?
And of course the answer is....NO, it can´t.
It is just a trail that is left behind.
And in that trail there are an enormous number of things that everyone of us have as a wake, and we have a whole lot of stuff in it.
And one of the problems that we have....... is that we have a tendency to look at the wake and all of the stuff that is in it, to explain .......
Why it is that my life isn´t working out the way I would like it to work.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Friday, November 25, 2016
Create Some Space In Your Life
"It is nice finding that place
where you can just go and relax."
- Moises Arias
A lot of people fill their lives with endless activities.
And sometimes we might even schedule some sleep into our busy schedule.
If we continue to live like this it won´t allow for any creativity and magic time to enter our lives.
We will be too tired to notice it.
But in order to be successful we must learn to create a little space once in a while in our packed schedules.
If we create a little more space in our lives, we will be able to connect to something bigger than ourselves and that will allow for some creative energy to flow through us.
We can create more space in our lives by meditating, yoga, listening to some soft music, sitting still in nature, going for a slow walk or scheduling some quiet time where we simply just do nothing for a period of time.
Being able to create some space in our busy schedules is a huge element for success because it will allow us to have easier access to our creativity and also our inner guidance.
Have you ever tried to solve a problem and no matter how much you tried to analyze it or tried to solve it... you were not able to come up with a solution?
So instead you decided to go for a walk or maybe you decided to just take a break and go out in your garden or nature and all of a sudden you came up with a solution to your problem.
You just created some space between you and the problem and you allowed some creativity and inner guidance to come to you.
Create some space, magic or quiet time on a daily base.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
where you can just go and relax."
- Moises Arias
A lot of people fill their lives with endless activities.
And sometimes we might even schedule some sleep into our busy schedule.
If we continue to live like this it won´t allow for any creativity and magic time to enter our lives.
We will be too tired to notice it.
But in order to be successful we must learn to create a little space once in a while in our packed schedules.
If we create a little more space in our lives, we will be able to connect to something bigger than ourselves and that will allow for some creative energy to flow through us.
We can create more space in our lives by meditating, yoga, listening to some soft music, sitting still in nature, going for a slow walk or scheduling some quiet time where we simply just do nothing for a period of time.
Being able to create some space in our busy schedules is a huge element for success because it will allow us to have easier access to our creativity and also our inner guidance.
Have you ever tried to solve a problem and no matter how much you tried to analyze it or tried to solve it... you were not able to come up with a solution?
So instead you decided to go for a walk or maybe you decided to just take a break and go out in your garden or nature and all of a sudden you came up with a solution to your problem.
You just created some space between you and the problem and you allowed some creativity and inner guidance to come to you.
Create some space, magic or quiet time on a daily base.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
How To Live Life On Your Terms
"You deserve to be happy.
You deserve to live a life you are excited about.
Don´t let others make you forget that."
Would you like to live life on your own terms?
We can do this by getting a clear enough vision of what we want, inspire and motivate ourselves, overcome fears that will pop up and also limitations in our own minds and push through the pain.
If we can do this....... there isn´t anyone on this earth that can´t have an extraordinary life, business or relationship.
Get comfortable with who you are.
Be yourself. Never be somebody that other people want you to be.
Continue to grow, inspire, give and love.
To be yourself is the ultimate freedom of all.
A freedom that you can only give to yourself.
We are all unique. We all have gifts.
Claim your gift and create the life that you deserve.
Are you willing to do what is necessary to embody the truest vision for your life?
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
You deserve to live a life you are excited about.
Don´t let others make you forget that."
Would you like to live life on your own terms?
We can do this by getting a clear enough vision of what we want, inspire and motivate ourselves, overcome fears that will pop up and also limitations in our own minds and push through the pain.
If we can do this....... there isn´t anyone on this earth that can´t have an extraordinary life, business or relationship.
Get comfortable with who you are.
Be yourself. Never be somebody that other people want you to be.
Continue to grow, inspire, give and love.
To be yourself is the ultimate freedom of all.
A freedom that you can only give to yourself.
We are all unique. We all have gifts.
Claim your gift and create the life that you deserve.
Are you willing to do what is necessary to embody the truest vision for your life?
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Monday, November 21, 2016
Are You Suffering From "Imposter Syndrome?"
"I still believe that at any time the NO-talent police
will come and arrest me."
- Mike Myers
I was talking to one of my clients a couple of weeks ago, and she was telling me about her new promotion and her increased salary.
Instead of being exited about this new opportunity, she felt scared instead...... and then she suddenly told me.....
"I wonder when they are going to find out about me?
I asked her what she meant by that remark.
She explained "I wonder when they are going to find out that I am not as good as they think I am? That I don´t deserve the job and that I am not really capable of doing it."
She explained that she felt like a fraud.
After listening to my client I explained to her that there is something called "Imposter Syndrome" and today I will explain to you what is all about.
Many successful people and especially women will suffer from "Imposter Syndrome".
They feel like they are a fraud. They feel like that are less qualified than their peers or co-workers and that they are less deserving of success.
They live in fear that one day they will be "found out". So to deal with this fear of being found out they often work harder and longer than anyone else.
Will working harder than anyone else really make you feel less like a fraud or are you simply trying to compensate for feeling unworthy?
A lot of times when you are suffering from this syndrome you will not seek out new challenges in life. It might stop you from seeking new jobs because of the fear of not being able to meet the expectations that a new job will bring and that they lack the skills and that they can never be successful.
They often feel that they don´t have the ability to do a new job. So they might decide to remain where they are instead of taking a chance at this new job, for the fear of being found out.
They fear that people will figure out that they are a fraud.
From Wikipedia
"Imposter Syndrome is a term coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Dr. R. Clance and Suzanne A. Innes referring to high-achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and persisted fear of being exposed as "fraud."
Despite external evidence of their competence those exhibiting the symptom remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved.
Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be.
Some studies suggest that imposter syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women.
Psychological research done in the early 1980´s estimated that two out of five successful people consider themselves frauds and other studies have found that 70 percent of all people feel like imposters at one time or another.
It this is not addressed victims can develop anxiety, stress, low self-confidence, shame and self-doubt.
People who suffer from imposter syndrome tend to reflect and dwell upon extreme failure, mistakes and negative feedback from others.
If not addressed, imposter syndrome can limit exploration and the courage to delve into new experiences in fear of exposing failure.
Most people who experience imposter syndrome are unaware that others feel inadequate as well.
To be completely honest here.....I think a lot of us can relate to feeling like this.
I know I can.
I my own coaching business I have many times thought and said to myself "Who am I to try to help people?"
Or "All these people already know what I know. How can I charge for my services. I am not good enough."
"If a client talks to me for awhile they will soon find out that I really don´t know much at all."
Most of us are afraid that we are not good enough.
A couple of tips on how to deal with this!
- One simple way to deal with this is to talk or discuss it with a trusted friend, partner, co- worker, mentor or coach.
- Make a list of you accomplishment.
Write down all your accomplishments with reality. Later you can go back and read it.
Don´t trust your memory. It is easy to forget and to downplay your accomplishments.
Write them down.
- Develop a strong support system.
- Journaling. Write down your feelings or record them
- Don´t suffer in silence.
Express your true feelings. Don´t be afraid to let other know how you feel.
Don´t continue to live in fear. Bring out in the open. You are not alone in feeling this way.
As they say........."The truth will set you free. "
- Ask yourself what your fear is all about?
Remember that others are also feeling fear.
It is perfectly natural.
- Learn to validate yourself.
We all need validation from others, but we mostly need from ourselves.
Most of us make two basic errors.
1. We underestimate ourselves and our own ability
2. We overestimate the other persons ability.
Don´t sell yourself short.
will come and arrest me."
- Mike Myers
I was talking to one of my clients a couple of weeks ago, and she was telling me about her new promotion and her increased salary.
Instead of being exited about this new opportunity, she felt scared instead...... and then she suddenly told me.....
"I wonder when they are going to find out about me?
I asked her what she meant by that remark.
She explained "I wonder when they are going to find out that I am not as good as they think I am? That I don´t deserve the job and that I am not really capable of doing it."
She explained that she felt like a fraud.
After listening to my client I explained to her that there is something called "Imposter Syndrome" and today I will explain to you what is all about.
Many successful people and especially women will suffer from "Imposter Syndrome".
They feel like they are a fraud. They feel like that are less qualified than their peers or co-workers and that they are less deserving of success.
They live in fear that one day they will be "found out". So to deal with this fear of being found out they often work harder and longer than anyone else.
Will working harder than anyone else really make you feel less like a fraud or are you simply trying to compensate for feeling unworthy?
A lot of times when you are suffering from this syndrome you will not seek out new challenges in life. It might stop you from seeking new jobs because of the fear of not being able to meet the expectations that a new job will bring and that they lack the skills and that they can never be successful.
They often feel that they don´t have the ability to do a new job. So they might decide to remain where they are instead of taking a chance at this new job, for the fear of being found out.
They fear that people will figure out that they are a fraud.
From Wikipedia
"Imposter Syndrome is a term coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Dr. R. Clance and Suzanne A. Innes referring to high-achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and persisted fear of being exposed as "fraud."
Despite external evidence of their competence those exhibiting the symptom remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved.
Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be.
Some studies suggest that imposter syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women.
Psychological research done in the early 1980´s estimated that two out of five successful people consider themselves frauds and other studies have found that 70 percent of all people feel like imposters at one time or another.
It this is not addressed victims can develop anxiety, stress, low self-confidence, shame and self-doubt.
People who suffer from imposter syndrome tend to reflect and dwell upon extreme failure, mistakes and negative feedback from others.
If not addressed, imposter syndrome can limit exploration and the courage to delve into new experiences in fear of exposing failure.
Most people who experience imposter syndrome are unaware that others feel inadequate as well.
To be completely honest here.....I think a lot of us can relate to feeling like this.
I know I can.
I my own coaching business I have many times thought and said to myself "Who am I to try to help people?"
Or "All these people already know what I know. How can I charge for my services. I am not good enough."
"If a client talks to me for awhile they will soon find out that I really don´t know much at all."
Most of us are afraid that we are not good enough.
A couple of tips on how to deal with this!
- One simple way to deal with this is to talk or discuss it with a trusted friend, partner, co- worker, mentor or coach.
- Make a list of you accomplishment.
Write down all your accomplishments with reality. Later you can go back and read it.
Don´t trust your memory. It is easy to forget and to downplay your accomplishments.
Write them down.
- Develop a strong support system.
- Journaling. Write down your feelings or record them
- Don´t suffer in silence.
Express your true feelings. Don´t be afraid to let other know how you feel.
Don´t continue to live in fear. Bring out in the open. You are not alone in feeling this way.
As they say........."The truth will set you free. "
- Ask yourself what your fear is all about?
Remember that others are also feeling fear.
It is perfectly natural.
- Learn to validate yourself.
We all need validation from others, but we mostly need from ourselves.
Most of us make two basic errors.
1. We underestimate ourselves and our own ability
2. We overestimate the other persons ability.
Don´t sell yourself short.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Friday, November 18, 2016
Feed And Strengthen Your Mind
"It isn´t what the book costs.
It´s what it will cost you if you don´t read it.
- Jim Rohn
Everything in life is continuous growth.
Either we grow or we die.
The training and the learning never stops.
It is constant, never ending improvements of ourselves that will make us the most happy, fulfilled and alive.
Make a habit of feeding your mind with something uplifting and empowering on a daily base.
Raise your standards by reading a book for at least 30-60 minutes per day.
Why is reading so important?
The brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy.
The same way our bodies need exercise and healthy eating to function well.
Reading a book is excellent exercise for the brain.
Remember....... if you don´t use it, you lose it.
Everything you read fills your head with new information and new fresh ideas and you never know when this information and ideas might come in handy.
The more knowledge you have, the better off you will be to tackle life´s challenges and obstacles.
A new idea can also be life changing. It can be the beginning of a new business, new friendships or new adventures.
Reading will also improve your memory, your focus and your concentration.
You can lose your family, friends, money, your house or your job.......but
Knowledge can never be taken away from you.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
It´s what it will cost you if you don´t read it.
- Jim Rohn
Everything in life is continuous growth.
Either we grow or we die.
The training and the learning never stops.
It is constant, never ending improvements of ourselves that will make us the most happy, fulfilled and alive.
Make a habit of feeding your mind with something uplifting and empowering on a daily base.
Raise your standards by reading a book for at least 30-60 minutes per day.
Why is reading so important?
The brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy.
The same way our bodies need exercise and healthy eating to function well.
Reading a book is excellent exercise for the brain.
Remember....... if you don´t use it, you lose it.
Everything you read fills your head with new information and new fresh ideas and you never know when this information and ideas might come in handy.
The more knowledge you have, the better off you will be to tackle life´s challenges and obstacles.
A new idea can also be life changing. It can be the beginning of a new business, new friendships or new adventures.
Reading will also improve your memory, your focus and your concentration.
You can lose your family, friends, money, your house or your job.......but
Knowledge can never be taken away from you.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Want A Better Life? Raise Your Standards
"If you want to change your life
you have to raise your standards."
- Tony Robbins
If we don´t feel good about ourselves, then we don´t feel like we can get much or deserve much in life.
What is going on in your life right now is a reflection of your standards.
So how do we change our lives?
We change our lives by raising our standards.
The standards that we set for ourselves and the standards we set for how other people will treat us.
Learn to create a better path for yourself, by raising your standards.
Never settle for something far less than you deserve..
Demand more of yourself.
Stop tolerating certain things.
If you want a better life.....Raise You Standards.
you have to raise your standards."
- Tony Robbins
If we don´t feel good about ourselves, then we don´t feel like we can get much or deserve much in life.
What is going on in your life right now is a reflection of your standards.
So how do we change our lives?
We change our lives by raising our standards.
The standards that we set for ourselves and the standards we set for how other people will treat us.
Learn to create a better path for yourself, by raising your standards.
Never settle for something far less than you deserve..
Demand more of yourself.
Stop tolerating certain things.
If you want a better life.....Raise You Standards.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Monday, November 14, 2016
How To Become A Problem Solver
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
- Albert Einstein
Are you having problems in your life right now?
Are you experiencing some big difficulties or maybe even a setback?
Are you constantly thinking about these problems and analyzing them in your head over and over again?
Of course most of us are dealing with problems and obstacles in our lives.
Who doesn´t!!!
But the important thing is to figure out how to solve these problems as quickly as possible without wasting all of our mental energy and before we get completely stuck in the problem
Never wish that life was easier and without problems and obstacles.
Wish that you better at dealing and solving theses situations in your life.
Learning and growing is part of life.
When you solve a problem you grow. You become bigger than the problem.
In order to live we must constantly grow
Growth and progress will make us feel happy and fulfilled.
Here a re a few tips on how to become a problem solver!
- Describe the problem.
Get clarity on what is going on. Clarity is power.
- Write things down.
In your head you will continue to go around in circles.
- What are you willing to do to make a change?
Even if you don´t like the action that you must take.
Are you willing to do as much as possible to solve this problem?
Because we don´t want to do something or maybe it will make us feel uncomfortable doing it, we won´t do what is necessary to make it happen for us.
- What are you no longer willing to do?
Maybe you are tired of feeling defeated and tired of complaining. How about stating to yourself, that you are no longer willing to live in fear and stress every day.
Maybe you are not willing to put yourself last anymore and you will make yourself your own first priority.
- Ask better and more powerful questions?
1. What is actually great about this problem?
2. What can I learn from this problem or this setback?
3. What is not perfect yet?
4. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
5. What am I willing not to do to make it the way I want it?
6. How can I enjoy the process?
The minute you go from problem to question you will find the solution.
Answers will come from new questions because it will change your state.
When you are in a lousy state - most of the time you will ask lousy questions.
To be able to ask there questions you must put yourself in a better state.
Learn to shift your focus on solutions instead of being stuck in the problem.
Whatever you focus on - you will feel in your body.
Come up with as many answers or solutions as you can.
Write your answers down.
There are no problems - there are just questions.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
- Albert Einstein
Are you having problems in your life right now?
Are you experiencing some big difficulties or maybe even a setback?
Are you constantly thinking about these problems and analyzing them in your head over and over again?
Of course most of us are dealing with problems and obstacles in our lives.
Who doesn´t!!!
But the important thing is to figure out how to solve these problems as quickly as possible without wasting all of our mental energy and before we get completely stuck in the problem
Never wish that life was easier and without problems and obstacles.
Wish that you better at dealing and solving theses situations in your life.
Learning and growing is part of life.
When you solve a problem you grow. You become bigger than the problem.
In order to live we must constantly grow
Growth and progress will make us feel happy and fulfilled.
Here a re a few tips on how to become a problem solver!
- Describe the problem.
Get clarity on what is going on. Clarity is power.
- Write things down.
In your head you will continue to go around in circles.
- What are you willing to do to make a change?
Even if you don´t like the action that you must take.
Are you willing to do as much as possible to solve this problem?
Because we don´t want to do something or maybe it will make us feel uncomfortable doing it, we won´t do what is necessary to make it happen for us.
- What are you no longer willing to do?
Maybe you are tired of feeling defeated and tired of complaining. How about stating to yourself, that you are no longer willing to live in fear and stress every day.
Maybe you are not willing to put yourself last anymore and you will make yourself your own first priority.
- Ask better and more powerful questions?
1. What is actually great about this problem?
2. What can I learn from this problem or this setback?
3. What is not perfect yet?
4. What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
5. What am I willing not to do to make it the way I want it?
6. How can I enjoy the process?
The minute you go from problem to question you will find the solution.
Answers will come from new questions because it will change your state.
When you are in a lousy state - most of the time you will ask lousy questions.
To be able to ask there questions you must put yourself in a better state.
Learn to shift your focus on solutions instead of being stuck in the problem.
Whatever you focus on - you will feel in your body.
Come up with as many answers or solutions as you can.
Write your answers down.
There are no problems - there are just questions.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Friday, November 11, 2016
How Are You Doing On Your Dream?
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined."
- Henry David Thoreau
How are you doing on your dream?
Are you taking action on your dream...... on a daily base?
Are you creating a sense of urgency or are you waiting and maybe even settling where you are currently?
I know it is difficult sometimes to find time, energy and motivation to continue on your path toward your dream.
It is easy to allow all the distractions around us to pull us down and also away from what we really, really want to accomplish in our life.
If you stay on your current path.......will it happen for you?
Will you be able to accomplish your dream?
If you are allowing your dream to slowly fade or to be put on hold........it is time to create an urgency........Start doing things TODAY!
Get back on your path right away.
Take Action!
One emotion that you will never want is Regret.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Live the life you have imagined."
- Henry David Thoreau
How are you doing on your dream?
Are you taking action on your dream...... on a daily base?
Are you creating a sense of urgency or are you waiting and maybe even settling where you are currently?
I know it is difficult sometimes to find time, energy and motivation to continue on your path toward your dream.
It is easy to allow all the distractions around us to pull us down and also away from what we really, really want to accomplish in our life.
If you stay on your current path.......will it happen for you?
Will you be able to accomplish your dream?
If you are allowing your dream to slowly fade or to be put on hold........it is time to create an urgency........Start doing things TODAY!
Get back on your path right away.
Take Action!
One emotion that you will never want is Regret.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Start One Thing Today
"Do one thing today
to make you feel proud of yourself."
Today ....Start doing all the things that will make you feel better.
It could be things like.....
exercising , a healthier diet, reading more books or saving more money.
How about cleaning up some decisions, getting a few things done.
Maybe getting things started and organized.
Develop yourself.
Make a positive move in the right direction.
Develop a plan for your life.
Create a few daily disciplines.
Take Action.
Be thankful.
Karin Glannstam- Personal Success Coach
Monday, November 7, 2016
Everything Starts With Thought
"It is the mark of an educated mind
to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle
"A lot of pain that we are dealing with is really only thoughts."
Everything starts with thought.
Be aware and careful of what you think about all day.
Stand guard at the door of your mind.
Be selective of what you will allow to enter into your mind.
You decide what goes into your mind.
Don´t just let anyone dump their stuff on you........
Because you are the one that has to live with the results.
Be selective who you spend time with.
What you read and what you watch.
Just because someone tells you something, or you read something....... doesn´t mean that it´s true.
Make up your own mind.
Decide what is true for you.
to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle
"A lot of pain that we are dealing with is really only thoughts."
Everything starts with thought.
Be aware and careful of what you think about all day.
Stand guard at the door of your mind.
Be selective of what you will allow to enter into your mind.
You decide what goes into your mind.
Don´t just let anyone dump their stuff on you........
Because you are the one that has to live with the results.
Be selective who you spend time with.
What you read and what you watch.
Just because someone tells you something, or you read something....... doesn´t mean that it´s true.
Make up your own mind.
Decide what is true for you.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Friday, November 4, 2016
The Willingness To Start Over Again
"Starting all over again is not bad....
because when you restart,
you get another chance to make things right."
- Unknown
"No matter how hard the past,
you can always begin again."
- Buddha
Difficult times happens to everyone. It doesn´t matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, man or woman......... Things do happen in our lives.
Things you didn´t expect to happen.
We can not avoid or control these storms or setbacks in our lives.
But what we can control is how we respond to them.
Are you going to allow yourself to stay in bed for several months after a setback?
Are you going to blame someone else for your situation?
Are going to continue to focus on what used to be?
Or are you going to pull yourself together and start again?
One small action at a time?
One great key to quickly recover from a setback is to have something to go for right a way.
Don´t let if affect you for a year or longer. Put something together right away. It might not be the total answer, but you must start walking.
Life doesn´t give us what we need, it gives us what we deserve.
Have something new to focus on.
You can continue to focus on what isn´t working and what you have lost.
If you continue to do this you will eventually feel stuck in a negative pattern.
Or you can shift your focus onto what is possible for you.
Start by asking a few empowering questions.
What do I need to learn from this setback?
What is it here to tell me?
How can I avoid this in the future?
What small action step can I take...starting today that will change my situation?
Learn from the lesson but make sure that you start taking some steps forward as quickly as possible.
Start walking from your desperate situation into a more empowering mode.
Start changing your philosophy and start to focus on what else you can do to make the situation change.
Start where you are.
Learn as you go.
Continue to take action.
This is how my own life coaching business got started.
I suffered a huge setbacks in 2012.
Within 3 months my mother passed away. I walked away from a toxic and abusive relationship and I also move to another country.
It would have been easy for me to continue to focus on my losses.
Honestly I did for a few months but then I started to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life.......... and that is how my coaching business was born.
Was it easy...of course not.
I kept on thinking about all I had lost, but after a couple of months I decided to shift my focus onto what was possible for me.
Now it required a lot of discipline. It required me to change my old ways of thinking and doing things.
I didn´t have a lot of information on how to do it.....but the important thing was that I took action and I started.
I was willing to start where I was. I didn´t know exactly how I was going to do it, but I took small action steps almost every day.
And as I did I got stronger, wiser and better.
I got the answers as I was continuing on my path.
Unfortunately a lot of people won´t start something because they don´t know how it is going to work out. They don´t have all the answers.
Of course you won´t have all the answers right away. You can learn as you go.
Just make sure that you start.
Be willing to learn new strategies.
Be willing to make a new start.
Be willing to go again.
because when you restart,
you get another chance to make things right."
- Unknown
"No matter how hard the past,
you can always begin again."
- Buddha
Difficult times happens to everyone. It doesn´t matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, man or woman......... Things do happen in our lives.
Things you didn´t expect to happen.
We can not avoid or control these storms or setbacks in our lives.
But what we can control is how we respond to them.
Are you going to allow yourself to stay in bed for several months after a setback?
Are you going to blame someone else for your situation?
Are going to continue to focus on what used to be?
Or are you going to pull yourself together and start again?
One small action at a time?
One great key to quickly recover from a setback is to have something to go for right a way.
Don´t let if affect you for a year or longer. Put something together right away. It might not be the total answer, but you must start walking.
Life doesn´t give us what we need, it gives us what we deserve.
Have something new to focus on.
You can continue to focus on what isn´t working and what you have lost.
If you continue to do this you will eventually feel stuck in a negative pattern.
Or you can shift your focus onto what is possible for you.
Start by asking a few empowering questions.
What do I need to learn from this setback?
What is it here to tell me?
How can I avoid this in the future?
What small action step can I take...starting today that will change my situation?
Learn from the lesson but make sure that you start taking some steps forward as quickly as possible.
Start walking from your desperate situation into a more empowering mode.
Start changing your philosophy and start to focus on what else you can do to make the situation change.
Start where you are.
Learn as you go.
Continue to take action.
This is how my own life coaching business got started.
I suffered a huge setbacks in 2012.
Within 3 months my mother passed away. I walked away from a toxic and abusive relationship and I also move to another country.
It would have been easy for me to continue to focus on my losses.
Honestly I did for a few months but then I started to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life.......... and that is how my coaching business was born.
Was it easy...of course not.
I kept on thinking about all I had lost, but after a couple of months I decided to shift my focus onto what was possible for me.
Now it required a lot of discipline. It required me to change my old ways of thinking and doing things.
I didn´t have a lot of information on how to do it.....but the important thing was that I took action and I started.
I was willing to start where I was. I didn´t know exactly how I was going to do it, but I took small action steps almost every day.
And as I did I got stronger, wiser and better.
I got the answers as I was continuing on my path.
Unfortunately a lot of people won´t start something because they don´t know how it is going to work out. They don´t have all the answers.
Of course you won´t have all the answers right away. You can learn as you go.
Just make sure that you start.
Be willing to learn new strategies.
Be willing to make a new start.
Be willing to go again.
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Great Book - In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate, MD
"Rock bottom became the solid foundation
on which I rebuilt my life."
- J. K. Rowling
"I used to think a drug addict was someone who lived on the far edges of ´society.
Wild-eyed, shaven-headed and living in a filthy squat.
That was until I became one."
- Cathryn Kemp
We get addicted to something that takes away the pain.
Addiction is a persons way of trying to solve a problem.
They try to solve a problem with addiction.
Addiction is a distraction. A distraction from not wanting to be yourself for a while.
Addiction is a disconnection disorder.
First you disconnect from yourself and then disconnect from others.
It is an discomfort with ourselves. We try to escape our reality with some form of addiction, or addictive behavior.
If you are interested and want to learn more about addiction I have a great book that I want to recommend.
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate, MD
This book explores scientific and psychological causes of addiction, as well as the impact on addicts treated at the Downtown Eastside Vancouver Clinic where Mate is a physician.
In this book, Gabor Mate locates the source of addiction in the trauma of an emotionally empty childhood, making it a relational rather than a medical problem.
This is a great book for anyone struggling with addiction personally or professionally.
Addicts are locked into addiction not only by their painful past and distressing present but equally by their bleak view of the future as well.
They cannot envision the real possibility of sobriety, of a life governed by values rather than by immediate survival need and by desperation to escape physical and mental suffering.
They are unable to develop compassion toward themselves and their bodies while they are regarded as outcasts, hunted as enemies, and treated like human refuse.
As we have seen, a major factor in addiction that medical and social policies must take into account is stress.
If we want to support people´s potential for healthy transformation, we must cease to impose debilitating stress on their already-burdened existence. Recall that uncertainty isolation, loss of control, and conflict are the major triggers for stress and that stress is the most predictable factor in maintaining addiction and triggering relapse.
From In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate
Great Book....I recommend reading it!
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
on which I rebuilt my life."
- J. K. Rowling
"I used to think a drug addict was someone who lived on the far edges of ´society.
Wild-eyed, shaven-headed and living in a filthy squat.
That was until I became one."
- Cathryn Kemp
We get addicted to something that takes away the pain.
Addiction is a persons way of trying to solve a problem.
They try to solve a problem with addiction.
Addiction is a distraction. A distraction from not wanting to be yourself for a while.
Addiction is a disconnection disorder.
First you disconnect from yourself and then disconnect from others.
It is an discomfort with ourselves. We try to escape our reality with some form of addiction, or addictive behavior.
If you are interested and want to learn more about addiction I have a great book that I want to recommend.
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate, MD
This book explores scientific and psychological causes of addiction, as well as the impact on addicts treated at the Downtown Eastside Vancouver Clinic where Mate is a physician.
In this book, Gabor Mate locates the source of addiction in the trauma of an emotionally empty childhood, making it a relational rather than a medical problem.
This is a great book for anyone struggling with addiction personally or professionally.
Addicts are locked into addiction not only by their painful past and distressing present but equally by their bleak view of the future as well.
They cannot envision the real possibility of sobriety, of a life governed by values rather than by immediate survival need and by desperation to escape physical and mental suffering.
They are unable to develop compassion toward themselves and their bodies while they are regarded as outcasts, hunted as enemies, and treated like human refuse.
As we have seen, a major factor in addiction that medical and social policies must take into account is stress.
If we want to support people´s potential for healthy transformation, we must cease to impose debilitating stress on their already-burdened existence. Recall that uncertainty isolation, loss of control, and conflict are the major triggers for stress and that stress is the most predictable factor in maintaining addiction and triggering relapse.
From In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate
Great Book....I recommend reading it!
Karin Glannstam - Personal Success Coach
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